SSID broadcast

SSID broadcast

The continuous transmission of packets from a Wi-Fi access point that announces its availability. Also called "beaconing," if the network is secured with a password, users will see the SSID, but not be able to access it (see WEP and WPA). The SSID is displayed in a mobile device's list of Wi-Fi networks, and it will attempt to connect if it has previously established the connection.

Stop the Broadcasting
The simplest security measure is to disable SSID broadcast in the access point or router and change the default SSID name to an obscure one. In that way, only users who know the name can log in. However, a hacker can still extract the SSID from packets being transmitted, but a password adds the essential security layer. In addition, for people concerned about Wi-Fi radiation, turning off the SSID beaconing eliminates the on-going signaling. See wireless isolation, SSID, Wi-Fi hotspot and cloaking.

Disable Broadcasting
In any wireless router or access point, one click stops the Wi-Fi from constantly advertising.