

单词 tex



n (Units) a unit of weight used to measure the density of yarns. It is equal to 1 gram per 1000 metres [C20: from French, from textile textile]





[teks] (textiles) A unit of fiber fineness assessed by the weight in grams of 1000 meters of yarn; the lower the number the finer the yarn.


[tek] (graphic arts) A text processing system available for many types of computers and used in particular for high-quality typesetting of documents with mathematical content.



a unit of linear density (g/km) used to describe the fineness of fibers and yarns. The Tex has been used in the USSR since 1956.


(publication)/tekh/ An extremely powerful macro-based textformatter written by Donald Knuth, very popular in academia,especially in the computer-science community (it is goodenough to have displaced Unix troff, the other favouredformatter, even at many Unix installations).

The first version of TeX was written in the programminglanguage SAIL, to run on a PDP-10 under Stanford's WAITSoperating system.

Knuth began TeX because he had become annoyed at the decliningquality of the typesetting in volumes I-III of his monumental"Art of Computer Programming" (see Knuth, also bible). Ina manifestation of the typical hackish urge to solve theproblem at hand once and for all, he began to design his owntypesetting language. He thought he would finish it on hissabbatical in 1978; he was wrong by only about 8 years. Thelanguage was finally frozen around 1985, but volume IV of "TheArt of Computer Programming" has yet to appear as of mid-1997.(However, the third edition of volumes I and II have comeout). The impact and influence of TeX's design has been suchthat nobody minds this very much. Many grand hackish projectshave started as a bit of toolsmithing on the way tosomething else; Knuth's diversion was simply on a granderscale than most.

Guy Steele happened to be at Stanford during the summer of1978, when Knuth was developing his first version of TeX.When he returned to MIT that fall, he rewrote TeX's I/O torun under ITS.

TeX has also been a noteworthy example of free, shared, buthigh-quality software. Knuth offers monetary awards to peoplewho find and report a bug in it: for each bug the award isdoubled. (This has not made Knuth poor, however, as therehave been very few bugs and in any case a cheque proving thatthe owner found a bug in TeX is rarely cashed). Thoughwell-written, TeX is so large (and so full of cutting edgetechnique) that it is said to have unearthed at least one bugin every Pascal system it has been compiled with.

TeX fans insist on the correct (guttural) pronunciation, andthe correct spelling (all caps, squished together, with the Edepressed below the baseline; the mixed-case "TeX" isconsidered an acceptable kluge on ASCII-only devices).Fans like to proliferate names from the word "TeX" - such asTeXnician (TeX user), TeXhacker (TeX programmer), TeXmaster(competent TeX programmer), TeXhax, and TeXnique.

Several document processing systems are based on TeX, notablyLaTeX Lamport TeX - incorporates document styles for books,letters, slides, etc., jadeTeX uses TeX as a backend forprinting from James' DSSSL Engine, and Texinfo, the GNUdocument processing system. Numerous extensions to TeX exist,among them BibTeX for bibliographies (distributed withLaTeX), PDFTeX modifies TeX to produce PDF and Omegaextends TeX to use the Unicode character set.

For some reason, TeX uses its own variant of the point, theTeX point.

See also Comprehensive TeX Archive Network.


E-mail: (TeX User's group, Oregon, USA).


(Greek letters tai epsion chi) A typesetting language developed by Stanford professor Donald Knuth that is noted for its ability to describe elaborate scientific formulas. Pronounced "tek," TeX is widely used for mathematical book publishing throughout the world.

Knuth created the first prototype of TeX in 1978 to avoid having to continue using the Unix troff program to typeset his book series, "The Art of Computer Programming." It took eight years of writing and revising to complete the language. Available for DOS, Windows, Mac, Unix, Linux and other platforms, visit the TeX User Group at www.tug.org for more information. See LaTeX.


TexTexas (old style state abbreviation)
TexTill Exempel (Swedish: for example)
TexTransit Exchange
TexText File
TexTelluride, CO, USA - Telluride Municipal Airport (Airport Code)
TexTributary Extension
TexTransmit Experiment
TexTransaction Exception Code
TexTOSS Executive




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