Vrnjacka Banja

Vrnjačka Banja


a spa in Yugoslavia, located in Serbia, 26 km southeast of the city of Kraljevo at an elevation of 275 m.

Vrnjačka Banja has a mild, piedmont climate with warm summers (the average July temperature is about 20° C) and mild winters (the average January temperature is -1° C). The annual precipitation totals approximately 700 mm. The remedies include carbonate and sodium hydrocarbonate mineral waters. They are used warm (35.6 percent) in baths and swimming pools and cold (19° C) for drinking and bottling. In their physical and chemical composition, these mineral waters resemble those of Borzhomi and Sairme. Patients are treated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the liver, and the biliary tract and for kidney stones, metabolic disorders, neuroses, and diseases of the respiratory organs that are nontubercular in character. The resort has sanatoriums, bath-houses, inhalation facilities, boarding houses, and hotels.