THWTiny House on Wheels
THWTechnisches Hilfswerk (German government disaster relief organization)
THWTile Hill Wood (UK)
THWTheft Waiver
THWThe Horse Whisperer
THWTower Hamlets Wheelers (cycling; UK)
THWTemperature Humidity Wind (heat index calculation)
THWThis House Would (debating)
THWTurnverein Hassee-Winterbek (Kiel, Germany handball team)
THWTwo Hour Wargames (game manufacturer)
THWTransient Hot Wire (thermal conductivity measurements)
THWThe Hive Workshop (Warcraft III modding site)
THWThermoplastic Heat and Water Resistant Insulated Wire (UL)
THWTar Heel Wire (independent University of North Carolina news)
THWTemperate Hardwood