释义 |
-thymiasuff. State or condition of mind: schizothymia. [New Latin -thȳmia, from Greek -thūmiā, from thūmos, mind, soul.]-thymia n combining form (Psychiatry) indicating a certain emotional condition, mood, or state of mind: cyclothymia. [New Latin, from Greek thumos temper]-thymia a combining form used in the names of mental disorders, as specified by the initial element: cyclothymia. [< Greek, =thȳm(ós) soul, spirit, mind + -ia -ia] -thymia
-thymia word element [Gr.], condition of mind. adj., adj -thy´mic.-thymiaMind, soul, emotions. See also: thymo- (2). [G. thymos, the mind or heart as the seat of strong feelings or passion] -thymia Suffix denoting mind, soul, emotions. See also: thymo- (2) [G. thymos, the mind or heart as the seat of strong feelings or passion] |