

单词 patriots' day

Patriots' Day

Pa·tri·ots' Day

(pā′trē-əts, -ŏts′)n. The third Monday in April, a holiday in Maine and Massachusetts commemorating the battles of Lexington and Concord in 1775, which began the American Revolution.

Pa′triots' Day`

n. the anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord (1775), celebrated the third Monday in April: a legal holiday in Massachusetts and Maine.

Patriots' Day

Patriots' Day

Third Monday in AprilThe battles of Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts, marked the beginning of the American Revolution on April 19, 1775. This is a legal holiday in Massachusetts and Maine. Although no one really knows who fired the first shot on the Lexington green—"the shot heard 'round the world," in the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson—the British proceeded from Lexington to Concord, where there was a second bloody confrontation at North Bridge.
Residents of Maine and Massachusetts have observed Patriots' Day since the 18th century with costume parades, flag-raising ceremonies, and reenactments of the battles and the famous rides of Paul Revere and William Dawes, who were sent to warn their comrades in Concord of the British troops' approach. The Boston Marathon, one of the most famous of the world's marathon races, is run each year on Patriots' Day. Sometimes this day is referred to as Lexington Day or Battles of Lexington and Concord Day .
Library of Congress
101 Independence Ave. S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20540
202-707-5510; fax: 202-707-2076
Lexington Chamber of Commerce
1875 Massachusetts Ave.
Lexington, MA 02420
781-862-2480; fax: 781-862-5995
Concord Chamber of Commerce
15 Walden St., Ste. 7
Concord, MA 01742
978-369-3120; fax: 978-369-1515
AmerBkDays-2000, p. 292
AnnivHol-2000, p. 64
DictDays-1988, pp. 68, 88
ThesaurusSeePatriot's Day




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