Preinduction Training

Preinduction Training


military training for young persons of preinduction age. Preinduction training was introduced in the USSR by decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Soviet of People’s Commissars of the USSR on Aug. 8, 1923. According to the 1925 Law on Compulsory Military Service, preinduction training was to be carried out at training assemblies lasting a total of two months over a two-year period. Individuals successfully completing preinduction training acquired a preferential right for admission to military schools. The 1939 Law on Compulsory Military Service introduced preinduction training for students in the eighth, ninth, and tenth grades of secondary schools and corresponding educational institutions (technicums, workers’ high schools, schools for factory and plant students, and so forth), as well as the students of institutions of higher education who had not been previously on active military service. Two hours every six days were assigned for preinduction training. During the period of the Great Patriotic War (1941-45) by resolution of the State Committee of Defense on Sept. 17,1941, preinduction training was to be attended by all young people of preinduction age. Preinduction training was eliminated in 1947 for all young people who were not students and in 1962 for students in the senior grades of secondary schools and other corresponding educational institutions. Under the USSR Law on Compulsory Military Service of Oct. 12, 1967, basic military training was introduced, and this was to be carried out prior to induction for active military service with young men of preinduction and induction ages universally without interruption of production and studies. In the other socialist nations, preinduction training is provided in the schools of general education and in various voluntary societies.


Zakonodatel’stvo ob oborone SSSR: Sistematicheskii sbornik zakonov, postanovlenii i instruktsii. Compiled by M. Sinel’nikov. Moscow, 1939.
Zakon SSSR o vseobshchei voinskoi obiazannosti. Moscow, 1967.