smell/stink to high heaven

smell to high heaven

1. To have a very strong unpleasant scent. Can you take this trash out? It smells to high heaven. Ugh, something in this refrigerator smells to high heaven!2. To be or seem extremely disreputable, suspicious, or corrupt. This deal between the company and the mayor's office smells to high heaven, if you ask me. This town smelled to high heaven before I came in and brought some law and order to it.See also: heaven, high, smell

stink to high heaven

1. To have a very strong unpleasant scent. Can you take this trash out? It stinks to high heaven. Ugh, something in this refrigerator stinks to high heaven!2. To be or seem extremely disreputable, suspicious, or corrupt. This deal between the company and the mayor's office stinks to high heaven, if you ask me. This town stank to high heaven before I came in and brought some law and order to it.See also: heaven, high, stink

stink to high heaven

 and smell to high heavenFig. to smell very bad. What happened? This place stinks to high heaven. This meat smells to high heaven. Throw it away!See also: heaven, high, stink

stink to high heaven

Also, smell to high heaven. Be of very poor quality; also, be suspect or in bad repute. For example, This plan of yours stinks to high heaven, or His financial schemes smell to high heaven; I'm sure they're dishonest. This expression alludes to something so rank that it can be smelled from a great distance. [c. 1600] See also: heaven, high, stink

stink (or smell) to high heaven

have a very strong and unpleasant odour.See also: heaven, high, stink

smell/stink to high ˈheaven

1 have a very strong and unpleasant smell: When was the last time you cleaned the dog kennel? It stinks to high heaven.
2 seem to be very dishonest or morally unacceptable: This whole deal stinks to high heaven. I’m sure somebody was bribed.See also: heaven, high, smell, stink

smell to (high) heaven

1. in. to smell very bad. This kitchen smells to high heaven. What besides garlic are you cooking? 2. in. to give signals that cause suspicion. Something’s wrong here. Somebody blabbed. This setup smells to high heaven. See also: heaven, high, smell