Rowntree BenjaminSeebohm

Rowntree BenjaminSeebohm

(1871-1954) philanthropist and social reformer who had a significant influence on the development of the British WELFARE STATE as a result of his demonstration that the causes of poverty are located in structural features of society, such as the unequal DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME AND WEALTH, rather than being explained by the personal lifestyles of the poor. Born into the rich Quaker family famous for its chocolate factory in York, he emulated the poverty surveys of Charles BOOTH. In his three surveys of York, in 1898,1936 and 1950, Rowntree sought to discover the causes of poverty as well as describing its incidence. In order to make valid claims for state intervention, he distinguished between primary and secondary POVERTY. Primary poverty, he argued, was the condition of an individual when he or she receives only subsistence to satisfy solely physiological needs; secondary poverty refers to the condition when the satisfaction of basic psychological and social needs, such as the ability to participate in the community and enjoy a social life, has been met. Rowntree also developed the notion of a CYCLE OF DEPRIVATION where one's chances of being poor may be influenced by one's position in the LIFE COURSE and one's family and social background. Rowntree's work was influential in the development of the first insurance-based social security policies and the BEVERIDGE REPORT. At the direction of Lloyd George, Rowntree was responsible for overseeing the welfare of munitions workers during World War I, and he helped to plan postwar housing policy. In subsequent years, Rowntree's notion of primary poverty has been criticized as being too restricted. However, he never intended that the provision of social security should be directed only at combating primary poverty