Roxborough State Park
Roxborough State Park
Location:Take C-470 to the Wadsworth exit, then go about 5 miles south and turnleft onto Waterton Road for 1.6 miles until it ends at N RampartRange Road. Go south on N Rampart Range Road for 2.3 miles to Roxborough Park Road and take the nextright (about 50 yards away) to enter the park.
Facilities:Hiking trails (12 miles), visitor/nature center, restrooms (é).
Activities:Hiking, cross-country skiing, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Park preserves and protects an unusual geological feature--tilted, redsandstone towers--which have earned the park recognition as a NationalNatural Landmark. These red rock formations represent more than 1.2billion years of geologic time.
Address:4751 N Roxborough Dr
Littleton, CO 80125
Size: 3,329 acres. Elevation: 6,500 feet.
See other parks in Colorado.