

单词 rbm


reinforced-grouted brick masonry, reinforced brick masonry

Grouted brick masonry in which reinforcement is provided in the horizontal joints and in grouted vertical joints between withes.


RBMRoll Back Malaria (global partnership to reduce malaria)
RBMResults Based Management
RBMRare Books, Manuscripts and Cultural Heritage (journal)
RBMRealtime Batch Monitor
RBMReference Benchmark
RBMRemote Boot Manager
RBMRadiology Benefit Management (various companies)
RBMReserva de Biosfera Maya (Spanish: Mayan Biosphere Reserve; Guatemala)
RBMReduced Basis Method
RBMReserve Bank of Malawi
RBMRole-Based Management
RBMRegional Business Manager
RBMRiver Basin Model
RBMRed-Breasted Merganser (bird)
RBMRisk Based Maintenance
RBMRetail Branch Manager (various businesses)
RBMReliability Based Maintenance
RBMRestricted Boltzmann Machine (physics)
RBMRecherche Biomédicale (French: Biomedical Research)
RBMRNA-Binding Motif Protein
RBMResisting Bending Moment
RBMResearch Business Models Subcommittee (Committee on Science; US NSTC)
RBMReticular Basement Membrane
RBMResidence Building Management (various locations)
RBMReproductive Bio Medicine (international journal)
RBMReceive Broadcast Manager
RBMRandom Body Movement
RBMReal Beam Map
RBMRadiation Belt Monitor
RBMResponse Boat Medium
RBMRational Behavior Model
RBMRainbow Butt Monkeys (band)
RBMRadiation Belt Mapper
RBMRail Bound Manganese (railway frog)
RBMRod Block Monitor (Nuclear Power)
RBMRigid Body Mode (mechanical engineering)
RBMRadial Bay Module (Hubble Space Telescope)
RBMReadiness Based Maintenance
RBMRigid Body Minimization
RBMRemote Business Management, LLC
RBMRobertson, Bailes, and McClelland LLP (est. 1967)
RBMRemote Business Management Service (Kodak)




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更新时间:2025/3/12 6:57:17