

单词 ssp



(petroleum engineering) static spontaneous potential


(1) (Service Switching Point) The local exchange node in an SS7 telephone network. The SSP can be part of the voice switch or in a separate computer connected to it. The SSP creates SS7 signaling messages that are sent to a "service control point" (SCP) to query databases for subscriber service and routing information. See AIN and SCP.

(2) (Storage Service Provider) A third party that manages the storage facilities for an enterprise. The storage devices can be on the customer's premises or at the SSP's site connected to the customer's machines via fiber-optic links. See ASP.

(3) (Surround Sound Processor) An audio component that supports the various surround sound technologies. See surround sound.

(4) (Switch to Switch Protocol) The protocol used in DLSw that locates resources and routes messages.

(5) (System Support Program) A multiuser, multitasking operating system from IBM that is the primary control program for the System/34 and System/36.

(6) (Serial SCSI Protocol) See serial attached SCSI.

(7) (Secure Simple Pairing) See Bluetooth versions.



Abbreviation for:
schizophrenia spectrum personality
sequence specific PCR
statutory sick pay 
stingent starvation protein
sub-regional strategic partnership
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
sustained spike potentials


sspSQL (Structured Query Language) Server Profiler
sspSurvival Single Player (Minecraft)
sspSociety for Scholarly Publishing
sspSecretaría de Seguridad Pública (Spanish: Secretariat of Public Security, Mexico)
sspStatutory Sick Pay
sspSolid State Phenomena (Trans Tech Publications, Inc.)
sspShared Service Provider (telecommunications)
sspSecure Simple Pairing (wireless communications)
sspSolid State Physics
sspSequence-Specific Primer (polymerase chain reaction)
sspScottish Socialist Party
sspService Switching Point
sspSenior Superintendent of Police
sspSystem Software Package
sspStudent Success Plan (various locations)
sspSingle Stellar Population (astronomy)
sspSpace Solar Power
sspShip Security Plan
sspSector-Specific Plan (US FEMA)
sspSecretaria de Segurança Pública
sspSugar Snap Peas
sspSteering Stability Program
sspSilicon Switch Processor
sspScratch Shield Paint
sspSupplemental Security Program
sspSecurity Support Provider
sspSystem Support Processor
sspStanding Subscription Publication
sspSearch Submit Pro
sspSwitch to Switch Protocol
sspSerial Scsi Protocol
sspServer Security Processor
sspState Synchronization Protocol
sspSignal Switching Points
sspSponsor Selective Pricing
sspSerial Storage Protocol
sspSingle Sided Printing
sspSecondary Service Provider
sspSystem Status Panel
sspSales and Service Partner
sspStrategic Security Plan
sspServer Side Programming
sspSafety Service Patrol (various locations)
sspSpace Shuttle Program (NASA)
sspSurround Sound Processor
sspSecurity Support Provider (Microsoft Windows NT/2000)
sspSpecies Survival Plans
sspStatement of Service Performance (New Zealand)
sspSingle Super Phosphate (fertilizer)
sspSukarelawan Simpanan Polis (Malay: Police Reserve Volunteer)
sspSingle Shot Pistol
sspStorage Service Provider
sspSystem Security Plan
sspSynchronous Serial Port
sspSelective Storage Presentation (computing; various companies)
sspSalem Steel Plant (India)
sspSaigon Software Park (Saigon, Vietnam)
sspStatistical Signal Processing (IEEE Workshop)
sspStrategic Systems Programs
sspState Second Pension (UK)
sspSummer Science Program
sspSite Security Plan (US DHS)
sspSecondary School Program (Harvard University; Cambridge, MA)
sspSusquehanna Speedway Park (Pennsylvania)
sspSecurity Service Provider
sspSolid-State Process
sspShameless Self-Promotion
sspStainless Steel Pipe
sspStockpile Stewardship Program
sspSerial Scsi Protocol (SAS)
sspSteering Stability Program (automotive)
sspSource Selection Plan
sspSolar Sail Propulsion (US NASA)
sspSurface Science Package
sspSwitch-to-Switch Protocol (RFC 1434)
sspSkole Social Politi (Danish: School Social Police)
sspSystem Support Program
sspSupport Services Program
sspSystem Safety Program
sspSelf-Sufficiency Program (welfare reform)
sspSwing State Project (now Daily Kos Elections)
sspService Support Provider
sspStudent Scholarship Program (various schools)
sspStormwater Site Plan (various locations)
sspShooting Star Press (publisher)
sspSpecialist Schools Programme (UK)
sspSymposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE)
sspSociety of Scientific Photography (Japan)
sspSpanish Speaking Program (various schools)
sspSystem Service Processor (Sun)
sspSilicon Switch Processor (Cisco)
sspSolid-State Polycondensation (polymers recycling)
sspSacrospinous (ligaments)
sspSecond State Pension (UK)
sspSafer Southwark Partnership (UK)
sspSpecial Some Pony
sspSociété Suisse de Pédiatrie (French: Swiss Society of Pediatrics; Switzerland)
sspSierra Service Project
sspSustained Superior Performance
sspSouthern State Parkway (New York)
sspSchool Success Profile
sspSuggested Selling Price
sspSpecial Summer Program (various organizations)
sspSound Speed Profile
sspSound-Speed Profile (US Navy)
sspShooting Star Press (pro wrestling move)
sspSite Safety Plan
sspSmall Scale Privatization
sspSecurity Service Platform (eHealth)
sspSimulation Support Plan
sspSystem Stack Pointer
sspSatellite Service Provider
sspSupply Side Platform (publishing)
sspStandard Service Program (National Instruments Corp.)
sspSub-Satellite Point
sspStock Savings Plan
sspSchool Safety Project (various locations)
sspSennett Security Products (USA philatelic magazine)
sspSite Specific Plan
sspSystem Service Provider
sspStandard Switch Panel
sspSpecial Surveillance Program (US Navy)
sspScout/Sniper Platoon (U.S. Marine Corps unit)
sspSplit Spectrum Processing
sspSociety of Scholarly Publishers
sspSaving Shelter Pets (Granger, IN)
sspSpecial Scientific Programs (Alexandria University; Egypt)
sspStandard Special Provisions
sspStressed Skin Panel
sspSystem Switch Processor
sspStandard Security Procedure
sspStringent Starvation Protein
sspStop Smoking Program
sspService Support Program
sspSiemens Schottel Propulsor (Ship propulsion systems)
sspSale Solicitation Process
sspSyndicat des Sophrologues Professionnels (French: Professional Sophrologists Union)
sspStudent Sponsor Partners (New York, NY)
sspSong Show Plus
sspSingle Stroke Pneumatic (airgun)
sspSwitch Signaling Point
sspSystem Safety Plan
sspSingle Source Processor
sspSimilarity Stack Protocol
sspSuper Smarty Pants
sspStockpile Stewardship Plan
sspSecure Single-Path (communications protocol)
sspSpatial Smoothing Preprocessing
sspScientific Services Program
sspScanning Spectral Polarimeter
sspState Synchronization Protocol (Cisco)
sspSingle Stock Point
sspSpeed, Style and Performance (car and truck club; Florida)
sspService Signaling Point
sspSingle Side Polish (semiconductor wafers)
sspSwiss Society of Psychology (est. 1943)
sspShared Segment Protection
sspSystem Security Profile
sspSupplemental Security Payment
sspStable Semisubmerged Platform
sspSubsystem Prohibited message (ANSI & ITU-T)
sspSystem Support Plan
sspSingle-Shot Probability
sspSoftware Support Package
sspSidecar Safety Program (motorcycles)
sspSwitch Support Package
sspSIGINT Support Plan
sspSpring Service Project
sspSubsurface Science Program
sspStar/Sky Photometry
sspSSBN Security Program
sspSiemens Switching Processor
sspSupplemental Sampling Plan (soil/water contamination)
sspSpecial Separation Pay
sspSignal Service Point
sspSuper-Scalar Processor
sspSACEUR Scheduled Program
sspStandard Shipyard Procedure (Newport News Shipbuilding)
sspSecondary Spare Part
sspSocial Sector Portal (Trinidad & Tobago)
sspSystem-Specific Procedure(s)
sspSippah-e- Sahaba Pakistan
sspStars Standards Portfolio
sspStockpile Sampling Plan
sspScheduled Strike Program
sspSplit-Step Pade (acoustic propagation)
sspSecure Site Programme
sspSecondary Stock Point
sspSpecialty Services Pavillion (Nebraska Medical Center)
sspSosarian Socialist Party (Ultima Online guild)
sspShip's Stores Profit (US Navy)
sspSociety of St. Paul, Pauline Fathers and Brothers (religious order)
sspSensor-to-Shooter Processor
sspSite Survey Payload
sspStandards and Standardization Panel
sspShortage Specialty Pay
sspSteerable Ship Propulsor (maritime steerable propulsion systems; Siemens)
sspStore Ship Pack
sspSystem Support Package/Processor
sspSecurity Specialist Professional
sspStatic Selfpotential
sspShared Sub-Path
sspSub-Segment Profitability
sspService Sport Promotion (French: Sport Promotion Service)
sspSouth Shore Philharmonic (Lynbrook, NY)
sspSwitch Software Processor
sspScouting Sea Plane (US Navy)
sspStentor Settlement Plan (Canada)
sspSingle Source Process
sspSupplemental Sensor Processor/Processing
sspSelect Synchronization Port
sspSystems and Special Projects
sspSlave Supervisory
sspSesquicentennial State Park
sspSensitive Systems Policy (US DHS)




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