Acronym | Definition |
ssp➣subspecies |
ssp➣SQL (Structured Query Language) Server Profiler |
ssp➣Survival Single Player (Minecraft) |
ssp➣Society for Scholarly Publishing |
ssp➣Secretaría de Seguridad Pública (Spanish: Secretariat of Public Security, Mexico) |
ssp➣Statutory Sick Pay |
ssp➣Solid State Phenomena (Trans Tech Publications, Inc.) |
ssp➣Shared Service Provider (telecommunications) |
ssp➣Secure Simple Pairing (wireless communications) |
ssp➣Solid State Physics |
ssp➣Sequence-Specific Primer (polymerase chain reaction) |
ssp➣Scottish Socialist Party |
ssp➣Service Switching Point |
ssp➣Senior Superintendent of Police |
ssp➣System Software Package |
ssp➣Student Success Plan (various locations) |
ssp➣Single Stellar Population (astronomy) |
ssp➣Space Solar Power |
ssp➣Ship Security Plan |
ssp➣Sector-Specific Plan (US FEMA) |
ssp➣Secretaria de Segurança Pública |
ssp➣Sugar Snap Peas |
ssp➣Steering Stability Program |
ssp➣Silicon Switch Processor |
ssp➣Scratch Shield Paint |
ssp➣Supplemental Security Program |
ssp➣Security Support Provider |
ssp➣System Support Processor |
ssp➣Standing Subscription Publication |
ssp➣Search Submit Pro |
ssp➣Switch to Switch Protocol |
ssp➣Serial Scsi Protocol |
ssp➣Server Security Processor |
ssp➣State Synchronization Protocol |
ssp➣Signal Switching Points |
ssp➣Sponsor Selective Pricing |
ssp➣Serial Storage Protocol |
ssp➣Single Sided Printing |
ssp➣Secondary Service Provider |
ssp➣System Status Panel |
ssp➣Sales and Service Partner |
ssp➣Strategic Security Plan |
ssp➣Server Side Programming |
ssp➣Safety Service Patrol (various locations) |
ssp➣Space Shuttle Program (NASA) |
ssp➣Surround Sound Processor |
ssp➣Security Support Provider (Microsoft Windows NT/2000) |
ssp➣Species Survival Plans |
ssp➣Statement of Service Performance (New Zealand) |
ssp➣Single Super Phosphate (fertilizer) |
ssp➣Sukarelawan Simpanan Polis (Malay: Police Reserve Volunteer) |
ssp➣Single Shot Pistol |
ssp➣Storage Service Provider |
ssp➣System Security Plan |
ssp➣Synchronous Serial Port |
ssp➣Selective Storage Presentation (computing; various companies) |
ssp➣Salem Steel Plant (India) |
ssp➣Saigon Software Park (Saigon, Vietnam) |
ssp➣Statistical Signal Processing (IEEE Workshop) |
ssp➣Strategic Systems Programs |
ssp➣State Second Pension (UK) |
ssp➣Summer Science Program |
ssp➣Site Security Plan (US DHS) |
ssp➣Secondary School Program (Harvard University; Cambridge, MA) |
ssp➣Susquehanna Speedway Park (Pennsylvania) |
ssp➣Security Service Provider |
ssp➣Solid-State Process |
ssp➣Shameless Self-Promotion |
ssp➣Stainless Steel Pipe |
ssp➣Stockpile Stewardship Program |
ssp➣Serial Scsi Protocol (SAS) |
ssp➣Steering Stability Program (automotive) |
ssp➣Source Selection Plan |
ssp➣Solar Sail Propulsion (US NASA) |
ssp➣Surface Science Package |
ssp➣Switch-to-Switch Protocol (RFC 1434) |
ssp➣Skole Social Politi (Danish: School Social Police) |
ssp➣System Support Program |
ssp➣Support Services Program |
ssp➣System Safety Program |
ssp➣Self-Sufficiency Program (welfare reform) |
ssp➣Swing State Project (now Daily Kos Elections) |
ssp➣Service Support Provider |
ssp➣Student Scholarship Program (various schools) |
ssp➣Stormwater Site Plan (various locations) |
ssp➣Shooting Star Press (publisher) |
ssp➣Specialist Schools Programme (UK) |
ssp➣Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE) |
ssp➣Society of Scientific Photography (Japan) |
ssp➣Spanish Speaking Program (various schools) |
ssp➣System Service Processor (Sun) |
ssp➣Silicon Switch Processor (Cisco) |
ssp➣Solid-State Polycondensation (polymers recycling) |
ssp➣Sacrospinous (ligaments) |
ssp➣Second State Pension (UK) |
ssp➣Safer Southwark Partnership (UK) |
ssp➣Special Some Pony |
ssp➣Société Suisse de Pédiatrie (French: Swiss Society of Pediatrics; Switzerland) |
ssp➣Sierra Service Project |
ssp➣Sustained Superior Performance |
ssp➣Southern State Parkway (New York) |
ssp➣School Success Profile |
ssp➣Suggested Selling Price |
ssp➣Special Summer Program (various organizations) |
ssp➣Sound Speed Profile |
ssp➣Sound-Speed Profile (US Navy) |
ssp➣Shooting Star Press (pro wrestling move) |
ssp➣Site Safety Plan |
ssp➣Small Scale Privatization |
ssp➣Security Service Platform (eHealth) |
ssp➣Simulation Support Plan |
ssp➣System Stack Pointer |
ssp➣Satellite Service Provider |
ssp➣Supply Side Platform (publishing) |
ssp➣Standard Service Program (National Instruments Corp.) |
ssp➣Sub-Satellite Point |
ssp➣Stock Savings Plan |
ssp➣School Safety Project (various locations) |
ssp➣Sennett Security Products (USA philatelic magazine) |
ssp➣Site Specific Plan |
ssp➣System Service Provider |
ssp➣Standard Switch Panel |
ssp➣Special Surveillance Program (US Navy) |
ssp➣Scout/Sniper Platoon (U.S. Marine Corps unit) |
ssp➣Split Spectrum Processing |
ssp➣Society of Scholarly Publishers |
ssp➣Saving Shelter Pets (Granger, IN) |
ssp➣Special Scientific Programs (Alexandria University; Egypt) |
ssp➣Standard Special Provisions |
ssp➣Stressed Skin Panel |
ssp➣System Switch Processor |
ssp➣Standard Security Procedure |
ssp➣Stringent Starvation Protein |
ssp➣Stop Smoking Program |
ssp➣Service Support Program |
ssp➣Siemens Schottel Propulsor (Ship propulsion systems) |
ssp➣Sale Solicitation Process |
ssp➣Syndicat des Sophrologues Professionnels (French: Professional Sophrologists Union) |
ssp➣Student Sponsor Partners (New York, NY) |
ssp➣Song Show Plus |
ssp➣Single Stroke Pneumatic (airgun) |
ssp➣Switch Signaling Point |
ssp➣System Safety Plan |
ssp➣Single Source Processor |
ssp➣Similarity Stack Protocol |
ssp➣Super Smarty Pants |
ssp➣Stockpile Stewardship Plan |
ssp➣Secure Single-Path (communications protocol) |
ssp➣Spatial Smoothing Preprocessing |
ssp➣Scientific Services Program |
ssp➣Scanning Spectral Polarimeter |
ssp➣State Synchronization Protocol (Cisco) |
ssp➣Single Stock Point |
ssp➣Speed, Style and Performance (car and truck club; Florida) |
ssp➣Service Signaling Point |
ssp➣Single Side Polish (semiconductor wafers) |
ssp➣Swiss Society of Psychology (est. 1943) |
ssp➣Shared Segment Protection |
ssp➣System Security Profile |
ssp➣Supplemental Security Payment |
ssp➣Stable Semisubmerged Platform |
ssp➣Subsystem Prohibited message (ANSI & ITU-T) |
ssp➣System Support Plan |
ssp➣Single-Shot Probability |
ssp➣Software Support Package |
ssp➣Sidecar Safety Program (motorcycles) |
ssp➣Switch Support Package |
ssp➣SIGINT Support Plan |
ssp➣Spring Service Project |
ssp➣Subsurface Science Program |
ssp➣Star/Sky Photometry |
ssp➣SSBN Security Program |
ssp➣Siemens Switching Processor |
ssp➣Supplemental Sampling Plan (soil/water contamination) |
ssp➣Special Separation Pay |
ssp➣Signal Service Point |
ssp➣Super-Scalar Processor |
ssp➣SACEUR Scheduled Program |
ssp➣Standard Shipyard Procedure (Newport News Shipbuilding) |
ssp➣Secondary Spare Part |
ssp➣Social Sector Portal (Trinidad & Tobago) |
ssp➣System-Specific Procedure(s) |
ssp➣Sippah-e- Sahaba Pakistan |
ssp➣Stars Standards Portfolio |
ssp➣Stockpile Sampling Plan |
ssp➣Scheduled Strike Program |
ssp➣Split-Step Pade (acoustic propagation) |
ssp➣Secure Site Programme |
ssp➣Secondary Stock Point |
ssp➣Specialty Services Pavillion (Nebraska Medical Center) |
ssp➣Sosarian Socialist Party (Ultima Online guild) |
ssp➣Ship's Stores Profit (US Navy) |
ssp➣Society of St. Paul, Pauline Fathers and Brothers (religious order) |
ssp➣Sensor-to-Shooter Processor |
ssp➣Site Survey Payload |
ssp➣Standards and Standardization Panel |
ssp➣Shortage Specialty Pay |
ssp➣Steerable Ship Propulsor (maritime steerable propulsion systems; Siemens) |
ssp➣Store Ship Pack |
ssp➣System Support Package/Processor |
ssp➣Security Specialist Professional |
ssp➣Static Selfpotential |
ssp➣Shared Sub-Path |
ssp➣Sub-Segment Profitability |
ssp➣Service Sport Promotion (French: Sport Promotion Service) |
ssp➣South Shore Philharmonic (Lynbrook, NY) |
ssp➣Switch Software Processor |
ssp➣Scouting Sea Plane (US Navy) |
ssp➣Stentor Settlement Plan (Canada) |
ssp➣Single Source Process |
ssp➣Supplemental Sensor Processor/Processing |
ssp➣Select Synchronization Port |
ssp➣Systems and Special Projects |
ssp➣Slave Supervisory |
ssp➣Sesquicentennial State Park |
ssp➣Sensitive Systems Policy (US DHS) |