Acronym | Definition |
RBP➣Rolling Big Power (Corona, CA) |
RBP➣RNA Binding Protein |
RBP➣Retinol Binding Protein |
RBP➣Regular Baptist Press |
RBP➣Resin Bonded Paper (various companies) |
RBP➣Retinoblastoma Binding Protein |
RBP➣Retirement Benefit Plan |
RBP➣Required Business Performance (finance) |
RBP➣Royal Black Preceptory (Loyal Orange Lodge Offshoot) |
RBP➣Risk-Based Pricing |
RBP➣Rated Burst Pressure |
RBP➣Rule-Based Programming (computing) |
RBP➣Relationship-Based Pricing |
RBP➣Royal Brunei Police (est. 1921) |
RBP➣Registered Biosafety Professional |
RBP➣Rate-Based Pacing (computer networking) |
RBP➣ (USENET newsgroup for canoeing and kayaking) |
RBP➣Reliable Broadcast Protocol (mobile communications) |
RBP➣Registered Brownfield Professional (Institute of Brownfield Professionals) |
RBP➣Random Bin Picking |
RBP➣Retrievable Bridge Plug |
RBP➣Radar Bypass Processor |
RBP➣Rule Based Printing (SafeCom) |
RBP➣Royal Blue Pearl (auto paint color) |
RBP➣Role-Based Privacy |
RBP➣Rate of Bit Propagation |
RBP➣Ration Breakdown Point |
RBP➣Reactive Bed Plasma |
RBP➣Retractable Bow Plane (submarines) |
RBP➣Retriveable Bridge Plug (oil industry) |
RBP➣Ray Bloch Productionsc (Pelham, NY) |
RBP➣Recoverable Basic Pattern |
RBP➣Ration Balancing Programme (milk production software; India) |