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RCA 1802
RCA 1802 (processor)An extremely simple microprocessor fabricated inCMOS, running at 6.4 MHz at 10V (very fast for 1974). Itcould be suspended with the clock stopped. It was an 8-bitprocessor, with 16-bit addressing. Simplicity was the primarydesign goal, and in that sense it was one of the first RISCchips. It had sixteen 16-bit registers, which could beaccessed as thirty-two 8-bit registers, and an accumulator Dused for arithmetic and memory access - memory to D, then D toregisters and vice versa, using one 16-bit register as anaddress. This led to one person describing the 1802 as having32 bytes of RAM and 65535 I/O ports. A 4-bit controlregister P selected any one general register as the program counter, while control registers X and N selected registersfor I/O Index and the operand for the current instruction.All instructions were 8 bits - a 4-bit op code (total of 16operations) and 4-bit operand register stored in N. Therewas no real conditional branching, no subroutine supportand no actual stack but these could be implemented by cleveruse of registers, e.g. changing P to another register allowedjump to a subroutine. Similarly, on an interrupt P and X weresaved, then R1 and R2 were selected for P and X until an RTIrestored them.
The RCA 1805 was an enhanced version.
The 1802 was used in the COSMAC (VIP?) microcomputer kit,some video games from RCA and Radio Shack, and theETI-660 computer. It was chosen for the Voyager, Viking andGalileo space probes as it was also fabricated in Silicon on Sapphire, giving radiation and static resistance, ideal forspace operation.
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