Bichat membrane

Bi·chat mem·brane

(bē-shah'), the inner elastic membrane of arteries.

Bi·chat mem·brane

(bē-shah' mem'brān) The inner elastic membrane of arteries.


Marie F.X., French anatomist, physician, and biologist, 1771-1802. Bichat canal - Synonym(s): cistern of great cerebral vein.Bichat fat pad - an encapsuled mass of fat in the cheek on the outer side of the buccinator muscle. Synonym(s): buccal fat padBichat fissure - the nearly circular fissure corresponding to the medial margin of the cerebral (pallial) mantle, marking the hilus of the cerebral hemisphere.Bichat foramen - Synonym(s): cistern of great cerebral veinBichat fossa - sphenomaxillary fossa, a small pyramidal space, housing the pterygopalatine ganglion, between the pterygoid process, the maxilla, and the palatine bone. Synonym(s): pterygopalatine fossaBichat ligament - the lower fasciculus of the posterior sacroiliac ligament.Bichat membrane - the inner elastic membrane of arteries.Bichat protuberance - Synonym(s): buccal fat padBichat tunic - the tunica intima of the blood vessels.