premature ovarian failure

premature menopause

failure of cyclic ovarian function before age 40. Synonym(s): premature ovarian failure

premature ovarian failure

The loss of ovarian function before age 40, which affects an estimated 1% of the population.
Clinical findings
Amenorrhoea, hypergonadotropinism, hypo-oestrogenism.

premature ovarian failure

Cessation of menses before age 40, often accompanied by ↑ serum gonadotropin Etiology Idiopathic, or 2º to ovarian receptor antibodies, viral infection, cytotoxic drugs, RT, etc

pre·ma·ture men·o·pause

(prē'mă-chŭr' men'ŏ-pawz) Failure of cyclic ovarian function before age 40.
Synonym(s): premature ovarian failure.