Smirnov, Dmitrii Nikolaevich
Smirnov, Dmitrii Nikolaevich
Born 1848 in the village of Smol’nitsy, Galich District, Kostroma Province (according to some sources, 1847 or 1844); died 1928. One of the first Russian worker revolutionaries.
The son of peasants, Smirnov became a worker in St. Petersburg in 1861. In 1873 he associated himself with the Narodniki (Populists). In 1874 he was arrested; he was questioned at the Trial of the 193 and subsequently freed under police surveillance. From 1876 he was a member of various illegal workers’ circles, which in 1878 were united as the Northern Union of Russian Workers. He was arrested in the autumn of 1876 and subsequently exiled. After he was freed in 1885, he went to Bulgaria. Beginning in 1890, he worked in Tula. Smirnov eventually withdrew from revolutionary activity.
Rabochee dvizhenie ν Rossii ν XIX v.: Sb. dokumentov i materialov, vol. 2, part 1. Moscow, 1950.Korol’chuk, E. A. “Severnyi soiuz russkikh rabochikh” i revotiutsionnoe rabochee dvizhenie 70-khgg. XIX v. ν Peterburge. Leningrad, 1946. [23–1821–]