Smirnov, Sergei Sergeevich

Smirnov, Sergei Sergeevich


Born Sept. 4(16), 1895, in Ivanovo-Voznesensk, now Ivanovo; died Aug. 20, 1947, in Leningrad. Soviet geologist and mineralogist. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1943; corresponding member, 1939).

Smirnov graduated from the Petrograd Institute of Mines in 1919. He was on the staff of the Geological Committee from 1919 to 1941. In 1930 he became a professor at the Leningrad Institute of Mines. Beginning in 1945, he headed the ore department of the Institute of Geological Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

Smirnov’s principal works dealt with the mineralogy of ore deposits and with ore formation. He investigated the zoning of hydrothermal mineralization and the relation between such mineralization and magmatism. A new metallogenetic approach was introduced by him into the study of minerals. Smirnov paid particular attention to the practical importance of the cassiterite-sulfide group of tin-ore deposits. He discovered and described a number of deposits of iron ores, nonferrous metals, and rare metals. In 1946 he received the State Prize of the USSR for his discovery and study of several tin-ore deposits in the USSR. He trained a school of geologists specializing in ores.

Smirnov took part in the work of the All-Union Mineralogical Society and became its president in 1945. He was made an honorary member of the French Mineralogical Society in 1947. Smirnov was awarded three Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and various medals.


Zona okisleniia sul’fidnykh mestorozhdenii. Moscow, 1951.
Izbr. trudy. Moscow, 1955.
Polimetallicheskie mestorozhdeniia i metallogeniia Vostochnogo Zabaikal’ia. Moscow, 1961.
Rudnye mestorozhdeniia i metallogeniia vostochnykh raionov SSSR. Moscow, 1962.


Grigor’ev, D. P., and I. I. Shafranovskii. Vydaiushchiesia russkie mineralogi. Moscow-Leningrad, 1949. (Contains bibliography.)
Smirnov, V. I. “Osnovopolozhnik sovetskoi metallogenii (K piatnad-tsatiletiiu so dnia smerti akademika S. S. Smirnova.” In Zakono-mernosti razmeshcheniia poleznykh iskopaemykh, vol. 5. Moscow, 1962.

Smirnov, Sergei Sergeevich


Born Sept. 13 (26), 1915, in Petrograd; died Mar. 22, 1976, in Moscow. Soviet Russian writer. Member of the CPSU from 1946.

Smirnov graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering In stitute in 1937 and from the M. Gorky Institute of Literature in 1941. He fought in the Great Patriotic War (1941-45). Smirnov began publishing in 1934 as a journalist. In 1959 and 1960 he was editor in chief of Literaturnaia gazeta, and in 1975 and 1976, secretary of the Writers’ Union of the USSR.

Smirnov published the books of essays Stalingrad on the Dnieper (1954), In Italy (1961), and Journey to Cuba (1962). His other works included the books Brest Fortress (1957; supplementary printing, 1964; Lenin Prize, 1965), Heroes of the Brest Fortress (1959), Tales of Unknown Heroes (1963), and A Family (1967), the play Fortress on the Bug (1955), articles in the press, and speeches written for radio and television. These works reconstructed the heroic epic of the defense of the Brest Fortress in 1941 as well as other exploits of Soviet fighting men; they also inspired a mass patriotic movement that sought out unknown heroes.

Smirnov’s works were translated into a number of foreign languages. Smirnov was awarded the Order of Lenin, three other orders, and several medals.


Sobr. soch., vols. 1-3. Moscow, 1973.


Andronikov, I. “Raskrytie podviga.” Novyi mir, 1958, no. 2.
Russkie sovetskie pisateli-prozaiki: Biobibliograficheskii ukazatel’, vol. 4. Moscow, 1966.