Paul, Wolfgang

Paul, Wolfgang,

1913–93, German physicist, Ph.D. Technical Univ., Berlin, 1939. A professor at the Univ. of Bonn from 1952, Paul developed an ion-trap technique (known as the Paul trap), which made possible the detailed study of subatomic particles. Paul shared half the 1989 Nobel Prize in Physics with Hans DehmeltDehmelt, Hans Georg
, 1922–2017, German-American physicist, b. Gorlitz, Germany, Ph.D. Univ. of Göttingen, 1950. A professor at the Univ. of Washington in Seattle, where he taught from 1955 to 2002, Dehmelt developed an ion-trap technique known as the Penning trap,
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, who had developed another method to trap ions; Norman F. RamseyRamsey, Norman Foster, Jr.,
1915–2011, American physicist, b. Washington, D.C., Ph.D. Columbia, 1940. A member of the faculty at Harvard from 1947 and the Higgins professor of physics from 1966 (emeritus from 1987), Ramsey also held several posts with such government and
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 was the third awardee.