Rozenberg, Fedor Aleksandrovich

Rozenberg, Fedor Aleksandrovich


Born Mar. 1, 1867, in Viljandi; died June 5, 1934, in Leningrad. Russian Orientalist and Iranian specialist. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

In 1889, Rozenberg graduated from the University of St. Petersburg. A student of K. G. Zaleman, he worked at the Asian Museum (from 1930, the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences) from 1902 to 1931; he became senior curator in 1912.

Rozenberg’s chief works concern the Iranian heroic epos Shah-nameh by Ferdowsi (Firdausi), aspects of Zoroastrianism and Parsi literature, and Sogdian and Pahlavi studies, including works on the history of Sogdiana, monuments of Sogdian language and literature, and Pahlavi epigraphy and published Sogdian documents from the collection of the Institute of Oriental Studies. He also studied the fine arts of Iran. He did very important work in preserving and cataloging the manuscript, archival, and book resources of the former Asian Museum.


Ol’denburg, S. F. “Zapiska ob uchenykh trudakh F. A. Rozenberga.” Izvestiia Ross. AN, 1923, series 6, vol. 17.
Krachkovskii, I. Iu. Izbr. soch., vol. 5. Moscow-Leningrad, 1958. (Obituary and bibliography.)
Aziatskii muzei: Leningradskoe otdelenie In-ta vostokovedeniia AN SSSR. Moscow, 1972. Pages 316, 345–47.