vestibular aqueduct

vestibular aq·ue·duct

[TA] a bony canal running from the vestibule and opening on the posterior surface of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, giving passage to the endolymphatic duct and a small vein. Synonym(s): aqueductus vestibuli [TA], vestibular canaliculus [TA], aqueductus cotunnii, Cotunnius aqueduct, Cotunnius canal

vestibular aqueduct

A small passage reaching from the vestibule to the posterior surface of the petrous section of the temporal bone. Synonym: aqueductus vestibuliSee also: aqueduct

ves·tib·u·lar a·que·duct

(ves-tibyū-lăr ahkwĕ-dŭkt) [TA] Bony canal running from vestibule and opening on posterior surface of petrous portion of temporal bone, giving passage to endolymphatic duct and a small vein.