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DictionarySeelabyrinthEncyclopediaSeeLabyrinthvestibular labyrinth
ves·tib·u·lar lab·y·rinth [TA] the portion of the membranous labyrinth concerned with the sense of equilibration (vs. the cochlear labyrinth, which is concerned with the sense of hearing) and innervated by the vestibular nerve; it is located within the semicircular canals and vestibule of the bony labyrinth, and consists of the utricle, saccule, and the semicircular, utriculosaccular, and endolymphatic ducts. Synonym(s): labyrinthus vestibularis [TA], vestibular organves·tib·u·lar lab·y·rinth (ves-tib'yū-lăr lab'i-rinth) [TA] Part of the membranous labyrinth concerned with the sense of equilibration (vs. the cochlear labyrinth, which is concerned with the sense of hearing) and innervated by the vestibular nerve. vestibular labyrinthThe vestibular (balance and equilibrium) portion of the membranous labyrinth of the internal ear. It has two divisions: 1 the utricle and saccule, and2 the semicircular ducts.The vestibular labyrinth is filled with endolymph and is suspended in the bony labyrinth, which is filled with perilymph. Synonym: membranous labyrinth.See also: labyrinthves·tib·u·lar lab·y·rinth (ves-tibyū-lăr labi-rinth) [TA] Portion of membranous labyrinth concerned with sense of equilibration. Synonym(s): vestibular organ. |