vestibular lip of spiral limbus

vestibular lip of spiral limbus

[TA] the upper, short periosteal extension of the limbus laminae spiralis osseae that provides the central attachment for the tectorial membrane. Synonym(s): labium limbi vestibulare limbi spiralis ossei [TA], labium limbi vestibulare laminae spiralis ossei, lamina dentata, vestibular labium of limbus of spiral lamina, vestibular lip of limbus of spiral lamina

ves·tib·u·lar lip of spi·ral lim·bus

(ves-tibyū-lăr lip spīrăl limbŭs) [TA] The upper, short periosteal extension of the limbus laminae spiralis osseae that provides the central attachment for the tectorial membrane.
Synonym(s): lamina dentata.