Pavel Boriskovskii

Boriskovskii, Pavel Iosifovich


Born May 14 (27), 1911, in St. Petersburg. Soviet archaeologist, specialist in paleolithic archaeology and prehistory, doctor of historical sciences (1952), and professor at Leningrad University (1959). Member of the CPSU beginning in 1941.

Boriskovskii investigated a series of paleolithic monuments in the European part of the USSR (including Luka-Vrublevetskaia, Pushkari-I, and Cro-Magnon burial sites in Kostenki-II). Also, together with Vietnamese archaeologists, he investigated Stone Age dwelling sites and caves in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (1960–61). He has been awarded two orders and medals of the USSR, as well as an order and a medal of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.


Liudyna kam’ianogo viku na Ukraini. Kiev, 1940.
Paleolit Vkrainy. Moscow-Leningrad, 1953.
Drevneishee proshloe chelovechestva. Moscow-Leningrad, 1957.
Ocherki po paleolitu basseina Dona. Moscow-Leningrad, 1963.
Pervobytnoe proshloe V’etnama. Moscow-Leningrad, 1966.