Acronym | Definition |
RCL➣Recall (calculator function) |
RCL➣Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. (cruise line; stock symbol) |
RCL➣Racing Club de Lens (French football club) |
RCL➣Resources for Christian Living |
RCL➣Revised Common Lectionary |
RCL➣Regional Container Lines |
RCL➣Reduced Course Load (various schools) |
RCL➣Record Location |
RCL➣Reseller Code Library |
RCL➣Runtime Control Library |
RCL➣Ram Control Logic |
RCL➣Rotate Through Carry Left |
RCL➣Royal Canadian Legion |
RCL➣Reliance Communications Ltd. (India) |
RCL➣Remote Central Locking (vehicle window feature) |
RCL➣River Campus Libraries (University of Rochester; New York) |
RCL➣Recoilless |
RCL➣Resources for College Libraries (Association of College and Research Libraries) |
RCL➣Remote Control Locomotive (railroads) |
RCL➣Representative Council of Learners (South Africa) |
RCL➣Radial Collateral Ligament (anatomy) |
RCL➣Rotate Carry Left |
RCL➣Resistance, Capacitance, and Inductance |
RCL➣Radio Communications Link |
RCL➣Rate Classification Level |
RCL➣Remote Controlled Lighting, Ltd. (UK) |
RCL➣Religious Corporations Law (New York) |
RCL➣Ramped Cargo Lighter (landing craft) |
RCL➣Retainer Correlation Log (energy production) |
RCL➣Reactor Coolant Loop |
RCL➣Ryder Cup Limited (golf) |
RCL➣Recent Crown Loss (ecology) |
RCL➣Residual Cleaning Limit |
RCL➣Radar Controller |
RCL➣Ruling Case Law |
RCL➣Royal Credit Line (RBC Bank) |
RCL➣Repair Cycle Level |
RCL➣Robot Command Language |
RCL➣Replication Command Language |
RCL➣Rapid Center Library |
RCL➣Radiological Control Line |
RCL➣Radio Control Link |
RCL➣Réseau Canadien des Langues |
RCL➣Research and Control Laboratory (India) |
RCL➣Repairable Components List |
RCL➣Routing, Channel Assignment, Link Scheduling (algorithm) |
RCL➣Routemaster Coach Lengthened |
RCL➣Restrictive Conductive Location |
RCL➣Road Center Line |