Acronym | Definition |
RCP➣Real Clear Politics |
RCP➣Recipe |
RCP➣Rubbermaid Commercial Products |
RCP➣Rich Client Platform (Eclipse) |
RCP➣Royal College of Physicians |
RCP➣RDA (Radar Data Acquisition) Control Processor |
RCP➣Résumé des Caractéristiques du Produit (French: Summary of Product Characteristics) |
RCP➣Revolutionary Communist Party (political party) |
RCP➣Representative Concentration Pathway (pollution) |
RCP➣Respiratory Care Practitioner |
RCP➣Red Científica Peruana (Spanish) |
RCP➣Rejestracja Czasu Pracy (Polish: Time and Attendance) |
RCP➣Remote Copy (TCP/IP WinSock command) |
RCP➣Responsabilité Civile Professionnelle (French: Professional Liability) |
RCP➣Radiant Ceiling Panel |
RCP➣Reanimación Cardiopulmonar (Spanish: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) |
RCP➣Remote Control Panel |
RCP➣Red Cientifica Peruana (Spanish: Peruvian Scientific Network) |
RCP➣Reinforced Concrete Pipe |
RCP➣Reality Co-Processor |
RCP➣Remote Copy Protocol |
RCP➣Rich Client Program |
RCP➣Rich Client Platform |
RCP➣Remote Copy Command |
RCP➣Remote Cellblaster Protocol |
RCP➣Remote Control Pro |
RCP➣Real Colour Processing |
RCP➣Royal College of Psychiatrists |
RCP➣Route Clearance Patrol (various armed forces) |
RCP➣Remote Copy Protocol (Cisco) |
RCP➣Rules of Civil Procedure |
RCP➣Régiment de Chasseurs Parachutistes (French: Airborne Infantry Regiment) |
RCP➣Réunion de Concertation Pluridisciplinaire (French: Multidisciplinary Consultation Meeting; health care) |
RCP➣Regulatory Compliance Partners (Houston, TX) |
RCP➣Royal Commonwealth Pool (UK) |
RCP➣Radio Control Protocol |
RCP➣Reactor Coolant Pump (nuclear power) |
RCP➣Reasonable Collection Potential (IRS) |
RCP➣Radiation Control Program |
RCP➣Research and Commercial Projects (UK) |
RCP➣Rapid Crack Propagation |
RCP➣Reflected Ceiling Plan (architectural drawings) |
RCP➣Rapid Control Prototyping |
RCP➣Redistributed Chip Packaging |
RCP➣Respite Care Program (various organizations) |
RCP➣Rafah Crossing Point (Gaza Strip) |
RCP➣Reanimation Cardio-Pulmonaire |
RCP➣Radio Clube Portugues |
RCP➣Right Circular Polarizer |
RCP➣Retail and Consumer Product (industry sector) |
RCP➣Retention Control Point |
RCP➣Regional Contingency Plan |
RCP➣Reality Co-Processor (Nintendo 64) |
RCP➣Remote Control Program |
RCP➣Recuperative Care Program (various locations) |
RCP➣Rock Creek Park (Washington) |
RCP➣Receivable Conversion Period (accounting) |
RCP➣Right Circular Polarization |
RCP➣Rate Control Protocol |
RCP➣Restore Cursor Position |
RCP➣Radon Contractor Proficiency |
RCP➣Rules of Criminal Procedure |
RCP➣Robot Control Processor |
RCP➣Relative Cost Position |
RCP➣Rapid Chloride Permeability (concrete) |
RCP➣Right-Hand Circular Polarization |
RCP➣Relative Caregiver Program |
RCP➣Regional Collection Plan (Association of Zoos & Aquariums) |
RCP➣Reacción en Cadena de Polimerasa (Spanish: Polymerase Chain Reaction) |
RCP➣Radio Control Panel |
RCP➣Route Clearance Package |
RCP➣Radio Club Paraguayo (Portugese) |
RCP➣Recycling Control Point |
RCP➣Required Communications Performance |
RCP➣Rehabilitation Counseling Program |
RCP➣Rear Cockpit |
RCP➣Research Centers Program |
RCP➣Refuse Collection Point (Hong Kong) |
RCP➣Resin Coated Proppant |
RCP➣Retruded Contact Position (orthodontics) |
RCP➣Rob Chandler Photography (Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada) |
RCP➣Rush City Public (Rush City, MN) |
RCP➣Retrocochlear Pathology |
RCP➣Rallye Club Perg (Austria) |
RCP➣Radar Control Panel |
RCP➣Routing Core Platform (Alcatel) |
RCP➣Radio Control Point (GSM) |
RCP➣Relevant Common Picture |
RCP➣Remote Communications Processor (IBM) |
RCP➣Restoration Control Point (ITU-T) |
RCP➣Rural Community Phones |
RCP➣Raised Cosine Pulse |
RCP➣Rear Command Post |
RCP➣Region Oil and Hazardous Pollution Contingency Plan |
RCP➣Recognition and Control Processor |
RCP➣Route-set test Cluster Prohibited |
RCP➣Ramon C Purcell Photography (San Diego, CA) |
RCP➣Reacção em Cadeia da Polimerase (Portugese: Polymerase Chain Reaction) |
RCP➣Research, Development and Testing Consolidation Panel |
RCP➣Radar Communication Processor |
RCP➣Robust Communications Protocol |
RCP➣Raster Color Printer |
RCP➣Reception Center Processing |
RCP➣Routing Control Point |
RCP➣REU Control Processor |
RCP➣Receiver Combiner Peripheral |
RCP➣Reinvented Complaint Process (EEOC) |
RCP➣Recursive Correlation Partitioning |
RCP➣Relevant Condition Predictor (condition-based maintenance) |
RCP➣Recording Control Panel |
RCP➣Request for Contractual Procurement/Proposal |
RCP➣Relative Color Principle |
RCP➣Rhombohedral Close Packing |
RCP➣Returns Compliance Processing/Program |
RCP➣Regenerative Cell Proliferation |
RCP➣Respuesta Completa Patologica (Spanish: Complete Response Pathological) |
RCP➣Reseau de Courtiers Proteck |
RCP➣Rugby Club Pondinois (French rugby club) |
RCP➣Rugby Club de Paris (French rugby club) |
RCP➣Rhine Capital Partners (Switzerland) |