vestibular nuclei

ves·tib·u·lar nu·cle·i

[TA] a group of four main nuclei, which are located in the lateral region of the hindbrain beneath the floor of the rhomboid fossa. These nuclei are the inferior vestibular nucleus, medial vestibular nucleus (Schwalbe nucleus), lateral vestibular nucleus (Deiter nucleus), and superior vestibular nucleus (Bechterew nucleus). The inferior nucleus contains a group of large cells, the magnocellular part of inferior vestibular nucleus [TA] or cell group F [TAalt] (pars magnocellularis nuclei vestibularis inferioris [TA]), located caudally in the nucleus. A group of medium-sized neurons is located in lateral portions of the lateral nucleus, the parvocellular part [TA] or cell group I [TAalt] (pars parvocellularis [TA]). These nuclei receive primary fibers of the vestibular nerve, are reciprocally connected with the flocculonodular lobe of the cerebellum, and project by way of the medial longitudinal fasciculus to the abducens, trochlear, and oculomotor nuclei and to the ventral horn of the spinal cord. The lateral vestibular nucleus projects to the ipsilateral ventral horn of the spinal cord by the vestibulospinal tract. Synonym(s): nuclei vestibulares [TA]

ves·tib·u·lar nu·cle·i

(ves-tib'yū-lăr nū'klē-ī) [TA] A group of four main nuclei that are located in the lateral region of the hindbrain beneath the floor of the rhomboid fossa. These nuclei are the inferior vestibular nucleus, medial vestibular nucleus (Schwalbe nucleus), lateral vestibular nucleus (Deiter nucleus), and superior vestibular nucleus (Bechterew nucleus). The inferior nucleus contains a group of large cells, the magnocellular part of inferior vestibular nucleus or cell group F (pars magnocellularis nuclei vestibularis inferioris [TA]), located caudally in the nucleus. A group of medium-sized neurons is located in lateral portions of the lateral nucleus, the parvocellular part or cell group I (pars parvocellularis [TA]). These nuclei receive primary fibers of the vestibular nerve, are reciprocally connected with the flocculonodular lobe of the cerebellum, and project by way of the medial longitudinal fasciculus to the abducens, trochlear, and oculomotor nuclei and to the ventral horn of the spinal cord. The lateral vestibular nucleus projects to the ipsilateral ventral horn of the spinal cord by the vestibulospinal tract.