Pavel Petrovich Kopniaev

Kopniaev, Pavel Petrovich


Born Feb. 15 (27), 1867, in Ural’sk; died June 3, 1932, in Kharkov. Soviet electrical engineer.

After graduating from the St. Petersburg Technological Institute (1896) and from a polytechnicum in Darmstadt (1898), Kopniaev taught at the Kharkov Technological Institute. Here in 1921 an electrical engineering department was created through his initiative. From 1925 to 1927 he organized for the Ukrainian Board of Weights and Measures an electrical measurements laboratory to check DC and AC instruments. Kopniaev studied the relationship between excitation and loading of electrical machines, proposed and theoretically substantiated specific design improvements in electrical machines, and carried out computations on streetcar traction.


Elektricheskie mashiny postoiannogo toka. Kharkov, 1926.
Osnovy elektrotekhnyky, part 1. Kharkov, 1931.


Kopniaev, P. P. Sbornik posviashchennyi pamiati zasluzhennogo professora P. P. Kopniaeva. Kharkov, 1955. (Contains a bibliography.)