Acronym | Definition |
RPB➣Ruimtelijk Planbureau (Dutch: The Netherlands Institute for Spatial Research) |
RPB➣Research to Prevent Blindness (New York, NY) |
RPB➣Reference Picture Buffer |
RPB➣Reverse Path Broadcasting |
RPB➣Remote Playback |
RPB➣Records per Block |
RPB➣Regional Planning Body (UK) |
RPB➣Reverse-Path Broadcasting |
RPB➣Radiation Protection Bureau (Canada) |
RPB➣Recognised Professional Bodies (UK) |
RPB➣Regional Policy Board (Minnesota) |
RPB➣Reform Pension Board (est. 1944) |
RPB➣Remaining Principal Balance (finance) |
RPB➣Republique Populaire du Benin |
RPB➣Reverse Penhold Backhand (table tennis grip) |
RPB➣Rotating Packed Bed |
RPB➣Real Property Branch (Public Works and Government Services; Canada) |
RPB➣Release Prevention Barrier |
RPB➣Rating of Perceived Breathlessness |
RPB➣Regional Preparedness Board |
RPB➣Real Pinoy Brothers (gang) |
RPB➣Rassemblement Populaire de Burundi |
RPB➣Republica Populara Bulgara |
RPB➣Revenue Passenger Boarded (commercial aviation) |