prepancreatic artery

prepancreatic artery

[TA] origin: arises from dorsal pancreatic artery as its left terminal branch; distribution: often double, it runs between the neck and uncinate process of the pancreas to form an arterial arch (arcade) with the anterior superior pancreaticodoudenal artery. Synonym(s): arteria prepancreatica [TA]

pre·pan·cre·a·tic ar·te·ry

(prē-pan-krē'at'ik ahr'tĕr-ē) [TA] Origin, arises from dorsal pancreatic artery as its left terminal branch; distribution, often double, it runs between the neck and uncinate process of the pancreas to form an arterial arch (arcade) with the anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery.
Synonym(s): arteria prepancreatica [TA] .