
pawn 1

P0124100 (pôn)n.1. Something given as security for a loan; a pledge or guaranty.2. The condition of being held as a pledge against the payment of a loan: jewels in pawn.3. A person serving as security; a hostage.4. The act of pawned, pawn·ing, pawns 1. To give or deposit (personal property) as security for the payment of money borrowed.2. To risk; hazard: pawn one's honor.Phrasal Verb: pawn off To dispose or get rid of deceptively: tried to pawn off the fake gemstone as a diamond.
[Middle English paun, from Old French pan, perhaps of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German pfant.]
pawn′a·ble adj.pawn′age n.pawn′er (pô′nər), paw′nor′ (-nôr′) n.

pawn 2

P0124100 (pôn)n.1. Abbr. P Games A chess piece of lowest value that may move forward one square at a time or two squares in the first move, capture other pieces only on a one-space diagonal forward move, and be promoted to any piece other than a king upon reaching the eighth rank.2. A person or an entity used to further the purposes of another: an underdeveloped nation that was a pawn in international politics.
[Middle English, from Old French pedon, paon, from Medieval Latin pedō, pedōn-, foot soldier, from Late Latin, one who has broad, splayed feet, from Latin pēs, ped-, foot; see ped- in Indo-European roots.]


(ˈpɔːnəbəl) adjable to be pawned