

单词 rdb
释义 DictionarySeerelational database



(1)Oracle Rdb


(2)A roll-your-own database, created in the Unix toolkitphilosophy. It appears to be written in the awk language,and is very compatible with awk. It uses awk's syntax and canbe combined with awk commands.

The definitive introduction is "Unix Relational DatabaseManagement: Application Development in the Unix Environment",by Rod Manis, Evan Schaeffer, and Robert Jorgensen, publishedby Prentice Hall. The book tells how to use rdb to createdatabase/spreadsheets in the awk tradition, only easier. It'sa good way to get into programming for novices. It's also agood way to learn DB theory and construction quite painlessly.


RDBReference Design Board (various companies)
RDBReceptor Data Base
RDBReplace Database with Blanks
RDBRemote Data Base
RDBRelative Data Base
RDBRun Disk Backwards
RDBRelation Descriptor Block
RDBResource Data Base
RDBRecibo de Depósito Bancário (Portuguese: Bank Deposit Receipt; Brazil)
RDBResource Database (various organizations)
RDBRocco DeLuca and the Burden (band)
RDBRwanda Development Board
RDBRevenu Disponible Brut (French: Gross Disposable Income)
RDBRelational Data Base
RDBRigid Disk Block
RDBRural Development Bank
RDBResearch and Development Board
RDBReceive Data Buffer
RDBRear Disc Brake (automobiles)
RDBRegional Development Bank
RDBRare Disease Database
RDBReference Data Base
RDBRadio des Boutières (French broadcasting company)
RDBRand de Basanti (actor)
RDBResidential Distribution Box
RDBRequirements Data Base
RDBRouting Data Base
RDBRamped Dump Barge (US Navy)
RDBRegional Defense Bureau (Ministry of Defense; Japan)
RDBRepeat Data Base
RDBRed Design Bureau
RDBRuhunu Development Bank (Sri Lanka)
RDBRadiological Dispersion Bomb




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