

单词 abp



(networking)Alternating bit protocol.


(2)Microsoft Address Book Provider.



Abbreviation for androgen binding protein.


Abbreviation for:
achyranthes bidentata polysaccharides
actin-binding protein
acute bacterial prostatitis
acute biliary pancreatitis
adriamycin, bleomycin, prednisone, a combination chemotherapy regimen used for patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma
albumin-binding protein
ambulatory blood pressure
American Board of Pathology
American Board of Pediatrics
American Board of Periodontology
American Board of Prosthodontics
American Board of Psychotherapy
AMPA receptor-binding protein
amyloid beta protein
anastomotic bursting pressure
androgen-binding protein
antibiotic prophylaxis
antigen-binding protein
arterial blood pressure
avidin-biotin peroxidase


Doxorubicin, bleomycin, prednisone Oncology A combination chemotherapy regimen used to treat Pts with NHL. See Combination chemotherapy.


Abbreviation for androgen binding protein.


ABPAssociated British Ports
ABPAmerican Board of Pediatrics
ABPAdBlock Plus
ABPAu Bon Pain (franchise restaurant)
ABPAmbulatory Blood Pressure
ABPAfghan Border Police (Afghanistan)
ABPAmerican Border Patrol
ABPAssociated Baptist Press
ABPActin-Binding Protein
ABPArterial Blood Pressure
ABPAlternate Bit Protocol
ABPAutomatic Batch Processing
ABPAgence Bretagne Presse (French: Britain Press Agency)
ABPAndrogen-Binding Protein
ABPAlgemeen Burgerlijk Pensioenfonds
ABPAmerican Board of Pathology
ABPAnimal By-Product
ABPAlianza Bravo Pueblo (Alliance of Brave People; Venezuela)
ABPArea Based Planning (various locations)
ABPAlternating Bit Protocol
ABPAllgemeines Bauaufsichtliches Prüfzeugnis (German)
ABPAtelier du Bracelet Parisien (French watch band and belt company)
ABPAssociação Brasileira de Psicanálise (Brazil)
ABPAmerican Board of Periodontology
ABPAtlantic Beef Products (Albany, Prince Edward Island, Canada)
ABPAnnual Business Plan
ABPAlabama Blues Project (Northport, AL)
ABPAmerican Board of Prosthodontics
ABPAddress Book Provider
ABPAntigen-Binding Protein
ABPActive Black Panel (Sony Mobile)
ABPAmerican Brilliant Period (cut glass; 1876-1914)
ABPAll Bills Paid (property rental advertising)
ABPArchitectural Building Products (company)
ABPAlready Been Posted
ABPActivity Based Pricing
ABPAfghan Border Patrol
ABPAgricultural By-Product
ABPActual Block Processor
ABPAble Bodied Passenger (aka Able Bodied Person; aircraft exit row seating assessment)
ABPAgriculture Biologique en Picardie (French: Farming in Picardy; organic farming association; France)
ABPAssociation Belge des Podologues
ABPAir Battle Plan
ABPAlternate Bipolar
ABPAdaptive Belief Propagation
ABPAmerican Business Press, Inc.
ABPAdjustable Bolted Propeller
ABPAdditional Billing Party
ABPAkademie der Bayerischen Presse eV
ABPAssociation de Biologie Praticienne (French biologists' association)
ABPAssociated Branch Pilots
ABPAnimal Breeding Program
ABPASP.NET (Active Server Pages Network Enabled Technology) Boilerplate (web application framework)
ABPAnswer Back Procedures
ABPAdaptive Back Pressure
ABPAlternative Bit Protocol
ABPAdvention Business Partners (Paris, France)




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