Acronym | Definition |
SEPA➣Single Euro Payments Area (banking) |
SEPA➣Scottish Environment Protection Agency (statutory body) |
SEPA➣Solar Electric Power Association |
SEPA➣Single European Payment Area |
SEPA➣Southeastern Psychological Association (est. 1955) |
SEPA➣Société d'Equipement des Pays de l'Adour (French equipment company) |
SEPA➣Southeastern Power Administration |
SEPA➣State Environment Protection Administration (China) |
SEPA➣Special Emergency Procurement Authority (US DoD) |
SEPA➣Sociedad Española de Periodoncia |
SEPA➣Sindh Environmental Protection Agency (Pakistan) |
SEPA➣State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 |
SEPA➣Southeastern Planetarium Association |
SEPA➣Servicio de Protección Agropecuaria (Central America) |
SEPA➣Southeastern Pathology Associates (Brunswick, GA) |
SEPA➣Senior Ensign Present Afloat (Nautical) |
SEPA➣Sasebo Event Promotions Association (Sasebo, Nagasaki, Japan) |
SEPA➣Single-Engine Power Available (aviation) |
SEPA➣Signaling and End Point Application |
SEPA➣Single Element Patch Antenna |
SEPA➣Soviet Extended Planning Annex |
SEPA➣System Evaluation Planning and Assessment |
SEPA➣Safety and Emergency Preparedness Analysis |