thyroid peroxidase

thyroid peroxidase

thyroid oxidoreductase that catalyzes incorporation of iodide to tyrosine residues in the production of thyroxine, in a process termed organification (q.v.); deficiency of this enzyme leads to a loss of the iodotyrosine derivatives and iiodine from the thyroid and results in goiter. Synonym(s): iodide peroxidase, iodinase, iodotyrosine deiodase

thyroid peroxidase

thyroid oxidoreductase that catalyzes incorporation of iodide to tyrosine residues in the production of thyroxine, in a process termed organification (q.v.); deficiency of this enzyme leads to a loss of the iodotyrosine derivatives and iiodine from the thyroid and results in goiter. Synonym(s): iodide peroxidase, iodinase, iodotyrosine deiodase