

单词 rps



abbr. revolutions per second


abbreviation for revolutions per second


(in Britain) abbreviation for (Photography) Royal Photographic Society


or r.p.s.,

revolutions per second.



(mechanics) revolution per second


RPSRenewable Portfolio Standard
RPSRevenue per Share (finance)
RPSRock Paper Scissors
RPSRock, Paper, Shotgun (gaming journalism)
RPSRedundant Power System (software; Cisco)
RPSRoyal Photographic Society
RPSRedundant Power Supply
RPSReal Property Services (US DoD)
RPSRockford Public Schools
RPSRequests per Second (network traffic measurement)
RPSRole-Playing Shooter (gaming)
RPSRedundant Power System
RPSRollover Protection System
RPSRing Parameter Server
RPSRead Port Status
RPSRemote Printing Service
RPSRealtime Phrase Sequencer
RPSRemote Printer Server
RPSRole Playing System
RPSRichmond Public Schools (Virginia)
RPSRIGS (Reconnaissance/Intelligence Ground System) Products and Services
RPSRetail Payment Solutions (various companies)
RPSRevolutions Per Second
RPSRutgers Preparatory School (New Jersey)
RPSRoyal Pharmaceutical Society (UK)
RPSRibosomal Protein
RPSRadiation Protection Supervisor
RPSRestricted Party Screening
RPSResearch Publishing Services (Singapore and India)
RPSReal-Person Slash (fanfiction)
RPSReplacement Parts Service (Missouri)
RPSRetirement Plan Service (various locations)
RPSRole Playing Strategy
RPSReactor Protection System (nuclear reactors)
RPSRadiological Protection System (US FEMA)
RPSRegulatory Position Statement (environment; UK)
RPSRenal Pathology Society
RPSRisques Psycho-Sociaux (French: Psychosocial Risks; behavioral science)
RPSRemittance Processing System
RPSRequirements Planning System (various companies)
RPSReform Party of Syria (political party)
RPSRole Playing Simulation
RPSRegistered Pension Scheme (UK)
RPSRadioisotope Power System
RPSRoyal Philatelic Society
RPSRole Playing System (gaming)
RPSRotational Position Sensing
RPSRadio Paging System
RPSRosanna Primary School (Australia)
RPSRetirement Planning Seminar
RPSRenewable Portfolio System (energy)
RPSReference Picture Selection
RPSRailways Pension Scheme (UK)
RPSRaytheon Polar Services
RPSRenewable Power Solutions (San Jose, CA)
RPSRing Parameter Server (Token Ring)
RPSRapid Prototyping Software
RPSRemote Proposal System
RPSRoadway Package Service
RPSRotor Position Sensor (large appliance component)
RPSRealtime Programming System
RPSRadiation Protection Standard
RPSRegional Professional Studies (Edith Cowan University; Australia)
RPSRandom Parity Stream (Fujitsu)
RPSReference Point System
RPSRetention Price Scheme (India)
RPSRemote Power System (Yuasa)
RPSRosewood Pottery Studio (Richmond, VA)
RPSRotation Per Second
RPSResource Poor Settings (developing countries healthcare)
RPSRicoh Printing Systems (various locations)
RPSRobust Passive Sonar
RPSRecords of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707 (University of St Andrews; Scotland)
RPSRadar Position Symbol
RPSRoutine Product Set
RPSRecovery Placement Services (psychotherapy; Hendersonville, NC)
RPSRack & Pinion Steering
RPSRepetitive Payment System (insurance)
RPSRemote Processing Station
RPSRegistered Publications Section (US Navy)
RPSRecording and Playback System
RPSRapport Préliminaire de Sûreté (French: Preliminary Safety Report; also seen as RPRS)
RPSRulang Primary School (Singapore)
RPSRegistration Practice Statement
RPSRecords and Publishing Services
RPSRelative Phase Shift
RPSRubber Producers' Society (India)
RPSReactive Polystyrene
RPSRecover Protected Species (US NOAA)
RPSRandom Preloaded Subsets
RPSRegistered Publication System
RPSRemote Planning System
RPSRobotic Precursor System
RPSRepair Program Software
RPSResearch in Patient Safety (Maryland)
RPSReview and Prioritization Subcommittee
RPSRack Position Sensor
RPSRenal Pressor Substance
RPSRed Pepper Software Company
RPSReconnaissance Planning System (US DoD)
RPSRobotic Patient Simulators
RPSRedundant Protective System
RPSRapid Primary Survey
RPSRaster Product Standard
RPSRivervale Primary School (Singapore)
RPSResource Provider Selection
RPSRainbow Portal Software
RPSRoentgens Per Second
RPSreemitted-positron spectroscopy
RPSRail Pressure Sensor
RPSRedditch Philatelic Society (UK)




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