Acronym | Definition |
RPS➣Renewable Portfolio Standard |
RPS➣Revenue per Share (finance) |
RPS➣Rock Paper Scissors |
RPS➣Rock, Paper, Shotgun (gaming journalism) |
RPS➣Redundant Power System (software; Cisco) |
RPS➣Royal Photographic Society |
RPS➣Redundant Power Supply |
RPS➣Real Property Services (US DoD) |
RPS➣Rockford Public Schools |
RPS➣Requests per Second (network traffic measurement) |
RPS➣Role-Playing Shooter (gaming) |
RPS➣Redundant Power System |
RPS➣Rollover Protection System |
RPS➣Ring Parameter Server |
RPS➣Read Port Status |
RPS➣Remote Printing Service |
RPS➣Realtime Phrase Sequencer |
RPS➣Remote Printer Server |
RPS➣Role Playing System |
RPS➣Richmond Public Schools (Virginia) |
RPS➣RIGS (Reconnaissance/Intelligence Ground System) Products and Services |
RPS➣Retail Payment Solutions (various companies) |
RPS➣Revolutions Per Second |
RPS➣Rutgers Preparatory School (New Jersey) |
RPS➣Royal Pharmaceutical Society (UK) |
RPS➣Ribosomal Protein |
RPS➣Radiation Protection Supervisor |
RPS➣Restricted Party Screening |
RPS➣Research Publishing Services (Singapore and India) |
RPS➣Real-Person Slash (fanfiction) |
RPS➣Replacement Parts Service (Missouri) |
RPS➣Retirement Plan Service (various locations) |
RPS➣Role Playing Strategy |
RPS➣Reactor Protection System (nuclear reactors) |
RPS➣Radiological Protection System (US FEMA) |
RPS➣Regulatory Position Statement (environment; UK) |
RPS➣Renal Pathology Society |
RPS➣Risques Psycho-Sociaux (French: Psychosocial Risks; behavioral science) |
RPS➣Remittance Processing System |
RPS➣Requirements Planning System (various companies) |
RPS➣Reform Party of Syria (political party) |
RPS➣Role Playing Simulation |
RPS➣Registered Pension Scheme (UK) |
RPS➣Radioisotope Power System |
RPS➣Royal Philatelic Society |
RPS➣Role Playing System (gaming) |
RPS➣Rotational Position Sensing |
RPS➣Radio Paging System |
RPS➣Rosanna Primary School (Australia) |
RPS➣Retirement Planning Seminar |
RPS➣Renewable Portfolio System (energy) |
RPS➣Reference Picture Selection |
RPS➣Railways Pension Scheme (UK) |
RPS➣Raytheon Polar Services |
RPS➣Renewable Power Solutions (San Jose, CA) |
RPS➣Ring Parameter Server (Token Ring) |
RPS➣Rapid Prototyping Software |
RPS➣Remote Proposal System |
RPS➣Roadway Package Service |
RPS➣Rotor Position Sensor (large appliance component) |
RPS➣Realtime Programming System |
RPS➣Radiation Protection Standard |
RPS➣Regional Professional Studies (Edith Cowan University; Australia) |
RPS➣Random Parity Stream (Fujitsu) |
RPS➣Reference Point System |
RPS➣Retention Price Scheme (India) |
RPS➣Remote Power System (Yuasa) |
RPS➣Rosewood Pottery Studio (Richmond, VA) |
RPS➣Rotation Per Second |
RPS➣Resource Poor Settings (developing countries healthcare) |
RPS➣Ricoh Printing Systems (various locations) |
RPS➣Robust Passive Sonar |
RPS➣Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707 (University of St Andrews; Scotland) |
RPS➣Radar Position Symbol |
RPS➣Routine Product Set |
RPS➣Recovery Placement Services (psychotherapy; Hendersonville, NC) |
RPS➣Rack & Pinion Steering |
RPS➣Repetitive Payment System (insurance) |
RPS➣Remote Processing Station |
RPS➣Registered Publications Section (US Navy) |
RPS➣Recording and Playback System |
RPS➣Rapport Préliminaire de Sûreté (French: Preliminary Safety Report; also seen as RPRS) |
RPS➣Rulang Primary School (Singapore) |
RPS➣Registration Practice Statement |
RPS➣Records and Publishing Services |
RPS➣Relative Phase Shift |
RPS➣Rubber Producers' Society (India) |
RPS➣Reactive Polystyrene |
RPS➣Recover Protected Species (US NOAA) |
RPS➣Random Preloaded Subsets |
RPS➣Registered Publication System |
RPS➣Remote Planning System |
RPS➣Robotic Precursor System |
RPS➣Repair Program Software |
RPS➣Research in Patient Safety (Maryland) |
RPS➣Review and Prioritization Subcommittee |
RPS➣Rack Position Sensor |
RPS➣Renal Pressor Substance |
RPS➣Red Pepper Software Company |
RPS➣Reconnaissance Planning System (US DoD) |
RPS➣Robotic Patient Simulators |
RPS➣Redundant Protective System |
RPS➣Rapid Primary Survey |
RPS➣Raster Product Standard |
RPS➣Rivervale Primary School (Singapore) |
RPS➣Resource Provider Selection |
RPS➣Rainbow Portal Software |
RPS➣Roentgens Per Second |
RPS➣reemitted-positron spectroscopy |
RPS➣Rail Pressure Sensor |
RPS➣Redditch Philatelic Society (UK) |