Acronym | Definition |
RDI➣Recommended Daily Intake |
RDI➣Relationship Development Intervention |
RDI➣Respiratory Disturbance Index |
RDI➣Remote Defect Indication |
RDI➣Riff Device Independent Bitmap |
RDI➣Recommanded Daily Intake |
RDI➣Reference Daily Intake |
RDI➣Research, Development and Innovation |
RDI➣Real Disposable Income (economics) |
RDI➣Royal Designer for Industry |
RDI➣Research Diagnostics, Inc. (various locations) |
RDI➣Recherche, Développement et Innovation (French: Research, Development and Innovation; various organizations) |
RDI➣Relative Dose Intensity |
RDI➣Reseau d'Information (Radio Canada's French language news service) |
RDI➣Raw Data Interface (computing) |
RDI➣Regenerative Design Institute |
RDI➣Radar Doppler à Impulsions (French military plane radar) |
RDI➣Remote Defect Identification (Asynchronous Transfer Mode, ATM) |
RDI➣Resource Development Institute (US and Pakistan) |
RDI➣Revue de Droit Immobilier (French: Real Estate Law Journal) |
RDI➣Required Daily Intake |
RDI➣Rhône Développement Initiative (French: Rhone Development Initiative; Rhone, France) |
RDI➣Recherche Développement International (French: International Development Research) |
RDI➣Remote Debugging Interface |
RDI➣Results-Driven Incremental (methodology for project implementation and management) |
RDI➣Reclamation Drought Index (drought severity and duration) |
RDI➣Rainfall Dependent Infiltration |
RDI➣Remote Detect Indication |
RDI➣Residential Density Incentives |
RDI➣Resource Development Initiative (Children's Services Council and the United Way of Palm Beach County) |
RDI➣Ramsey Did It (JonBenet Ramsey theory) |
RDI➣Radiology & Diagnostic Imaging, PSC (Owensboro, Kentucky) |
RDI➣Range-Doppler Interferometry |
RDI➣Radiation Dynamics Incorporated |
RDI➣Retirement Disposal Instruction |
RDI➣Regional Development and Innovation |
RDI➣Redirection Destination Index |
RDI➣Row Digital Interconnect |
RDI➣Recherche et Développement en Informatique (French: Research and Development in Information Technology) |
RDI➣Remote Data Input |
RDI➣Report Data Interface |
RDI➣Reconnaissance, Detection & Identification |
RDI➣Received Differential Input |
RDI➣Recently Disembarked Individual (see FOB) |
RDI➣Report Data Interchange |
RDI➣Rogers Dedicated Internet (Canada) |
RDI➣Réalisation et Diffusion pour l'Industrie (French: Production and Distribution for Industry) |