

单词 rdi





Receiver Data Interface



Abbreviation for respiratory disturbance index.


RDIRecommended Daily Intake
RDIRelationship Development Intervention
RDIRespiratory Disturbance Index
RDIRemote Defect Indication
RDIRiff Device Independent Bitmap
RDIRecommanded Daily Intake
RDIReference Daily Intake
RDIResearch, Development and Innovation
RDIReal Disposable Income (economics)
RDIRoyal Designer for Industry
RDIResearch Diagnostics, Inc. (various locations)
RDIRecherche, Développement et Innovation (French: Research, Development and Innovation; various organizations)
RDIRelative Dose Intensity
RDIReseau d'Information (Radio Canada's French language news service)
RDIRaw Data Interface (computing)
RDIRegenerative Design Institute
RDIRadar Doppler à Impulsions (French military plane radar)
RDIRemote Defect Identification (Asynchronous Transfer Mode, ATM)
RDIResource Development Institute (US and Pakistan)
RDIRevue de Droit Immobilier (French: Real Estate Law Journal)
RDIRequired Daily Intake
RDIRhône Développement Initiative (French: Rhone Development Initiative; Rhone, France)
RDIRecherche Développement International (French: International Development Research)
RDIRemote Debugging Interface
RDIResults-Driven Incremental (methodology for project implementation and management)
RDIReclamation Drought Index (drought severity and duration)
RDIRainfall Dependent Infiltration
RDIRemote Detect Indication
RDIResidential Density Incentives
RDIResource Development Initiative (Children's Services Council and the United Way of Palm Beach County)
RDIRamsey Did It (JonBenet Ramsey theory)
RDIRadiology & Diagnostic Imaging, PSC (Owensboro, Kentucky)
RDIRange-Doppler Interferometry
RDIRadiation Dynamics Incorporated
RDIRetirement Disposal Instruction
RDIRegional Development and Innovation
RDIRedirection Destination Index
RDIRow Digital Interconnect
RDIRecherche et Développement en Informatique (French: Research and Development in Information Technology)
RDIRemote Data Input
RDIReport Data Interface
RDIReconnaissance, Detection & Identification
RDIReceived Differential Input
RDIRecently Disembarked Individual (see FOB)
RDIReport Data Interchange
RDIRogers Dedicated Internet (Canada)
RDIRéalisation et Diffusion pour l'Industrie (French: Production and Distribution for Industry)




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