Acronym | Definition |
TWh➣TeraWatt Hour(s) |
TWh➣Tennessee Walking Horse |
TWh➣Tankless Water Heater |
TWh➣Total Worker Health (various organizations) |
TWh➣Three Way Handshake |
TWh➣Toronto Western Hospital (Toronto, ON Canada) |
TWh➣Town House |
TWh➣Temporary Worker Housing |
TWh➣The Washington Home (Washington, DC) |
TWh➣The Wounded Healer (child abuse support community) |
TWh➣Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday |
TWh➣Technical Warrant Holder (organization of technical authority) |
TWh➣The Whore House |
TWh➣The Woman-Hunter |
TWh➣This Won't Help |
TWh➣Thresholding with Hysteresis |