twiddler's syndrome

twiddler's syndrome

 [twid´lerz] the nervous habit of “twiddling” entry portals, thereby displacing an inserted catheter; it is usually associated with pacemaker insertion but has been reported following implantation of a venous access port.

twid·dler's syn·drome

condition in which a cardiac pacemaker wire is pulled out of position in the heart with rotation of the subcutaneous pacemaker by the patient's "twiddling."

twid·dler's syn·drome

condition in which a cardiac pacemaker wire is pulled out of position in the heart with rotation of the subcutaneous pacemaker by the patient's "twiddling."

twid·dler's syn·drome

(twid'lĕrz sin'drōm) Condition in which a cardiac pacemaker wire is pulled out of position in the heart with rotation of the subcutaneous pacemaker by the patient's "twiddling."