RRDR.R. Donnelley
RRDRed Rock Deli (chips; Australia)
RRDMinistry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (Afghanistan)
RRDResearch Results Digest (transportation)
RRDRound Robin Database
RRDRow to Row Delay
RRDRotate Right Digit
RRDRoberto Ricci Designs (Italy)
RRDRound Robin Database (a system to store and display time-series data)
RRDRolls-Royce Deutschland (German manufacturer)
RRDRosyth Royal Dockyard (Scotland, UK)
RRDRhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment
RRDRedundancy Rate Distortion (video coding)
RRDRemovable Rigid Disk
RRDRegional Rail Division
RRDRadio Regulatory Department
RRDRegimental Reconnaissance Detachment
RRDRegular Retirement Date (when an AGR officer has 20 years of Active Federal Service)
RRDReplacement Regulating Detachment
RRDReduced Resolution Data
RRDRelease Requirements Document
RRDRecurrence Rate Data
RRDRemoval of Rigid Dressing
RRDResonant Reed Decoder