释义 |
re-(word root) againExamples of words with the root re-: remodelre-pref.1. Again; anew: rebuild.2. Backward; back: react.3. Used as an intensive: refine. [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin; see re- in Indo-European roots.]re- prefix 1. indicating return to a previous condition, restoration, withdrawal, etc: rebuild; renew; retrace; reunite. 2. indicating repetition of an action: recopy; remarry. [from Latin] Usage: Verbs beginning with re- indicate repetition or restoration. It is unnecessary to add an adverb such as back or again: This must not occur again (not recur again); we recounted the votes (not recounted the votes again, which implies that the votes were counted three times, not twice)re1 (reɪ) n. the musical syllable used for the second tone in the ascending diatonic scale. [1400–50; late Middle English; see gamut] re2 (ri, reɪ) prep. with reference to; regarding. [1700–10; < Latin rē (in the) matter, affair, thing (abl. of rēs)] 're (ər) contraction of are: They're leaving. Re (reɪ) n. Ra. Re or re, rupee. Re Chem. Symbol. rhenium. re- a prefix, occurring orig. in loanwords from Latin, used to form verbs denoting action in a backward direction (recede; return; revert), action in answer to or intended to undo a situation (rebel; remove; respond; restore; revoke), or action done over, often with the implication that the outcome of the original action was in some way impermanent or inadequate, or that the performance of the new action brings back an earlier state of affairs (recapture; reoccur; repossess; retype). Also, red-. [Middle English < Latin re-, red-] R.E. Reformed Episcopal. EncyclopediaSeeRere-
re-Prefix meaning again or backward. [L.] re- Prefix meaning again or backward. [L.]re- Prefix denoting again or back or backward.re- prefix denoting again.LegalSeereFinancialSeeRERE-
Acronym | Definition |
RE-➣Again (Prefix) |