Acronym | Definition |
STAC➣Short-Term Acute Care (various locations) |
STAC➣Structured Activity Compensation |
STAC➣Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee |
STAC➣Service Technique de l'Aviation Civile (French: Civil Aviation Technical Service) |
STAC➣Spatiotemporal Asset Catalog (geospatial specification) |
STAC➣Saint Thomas Aquinas College |
STAC➣Southern Tier Athletic Conference |
STAC➣Sectional Tournaments At Clubs (bridge game) |
STAC➣Science Technology and Culture |
STAC➣Sirtuin-Activating Compound (oncology) |
STAC➣Student Theatre Arts Complex (University of Michigan) |
STAC➣Steam Turbine Assisted Cogeneration |
STAC➣Student Television Arts Company (Herricks High School, New Hyde Park, NY) |
STAC➣SIGINT Training Advisory Committee |
STAC➣SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Centre (Nepal) |
STAC➣Shanghai Tourism Administrative Committee |
STAC➣Specialized Transportation Association of Colorado |
STAC➣Stop The Act Coalition |
STAC➣Students Toward an Accessible Campus |
STAC➣Sindicato de Trabajadores de Aeronautica Civil (Spanish: Union of Civil Aviation Workers; Guatemala) |
STAC➣Submarine Tactical Acoustic Communication |
STAC➣Submarine/Surface Tactical Air Controller |
STAC➣Société Transformation Amortisseurs Course (French racing shocks company) |
STAC➣Société de Transports de l'Agglomération Chambérienne (French: Society of Chambéry Community Transportation; Chambéry, France) |