

单词 presence



the state of being present: Your presence is requested at the meeting.; a person’s bearing or force of personality: His presence was commanding.
Not to be confused with:presents – gifts: The child received a lot of presents.; things presented: The company presents its new president.


P0537400 (prĕz′əns)n.1. The state or fact of being present; current existence or occurrence: a student's presence in class; the presence of toxins in the blood.2. The area immediately surrounding a great personage, especially a sovereign: in the king's presence.3. A person who is present, especially in an impressive way: She was a presence in our lives.4. a. A person's bearing, especially when it commands respectful attention: "He continues to possess the presence, mental as well as physical, of the young man" (Brendan Gill).b. The quality of self-assurance and effectiveness that permits a performer to achieve a rapport with the audience: stage presence.5. A supernatural influence felt to be nearby: felt a presence during the séance.6. The people, especially diplomats or troops, stationed by a government in a foreign country: our diplomatic presence in that nation's capital.


(ˈprɛzəns) n1. the state or fact of being present2. the immediate proximity of a person or thing3. personal appearance or bearing, esp of a dignified nature4. an imposing or dignified personality5. (Alternative Belief Systems) an invisible spirit felt to be nearby6. (Electronics) electronics a recording control that boosts mid-range frequencies7. (Electronics) (of a recording) a quality that gives the impression that the listener is in the presence of the original source of the sound8. obsolete assembly or company9. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) obsolete short for presence chamber[C14: via Old French from Latin praesentia a being before, from praeesse to be before, from prae before + esse to be]


(ˈprɛz əns)

n. 1. the state or fact of being present. 2. immediate vicinity; proximity. 3. the military or economic power of a country as reflected abroad by the stationing of its troops, sale of its goods, etc. 4. Chiefly Brit. the immediate personal vicinity of a great personage giving audience or reception. 5. the ability to project a sense of ease, poise, or self-assurance. 6. personal appearance or bearing, esp. of a dignified or imposing kind. 7. a person, esp. of noteworthy appearance or compelling personality. 8. a divine or supernatural spirit felt to be present. [1300–50; Middle English < Middle French < Latin]


  • hoodoo - A person who practices voodoo; the word also describes a person or thing whose presence is supposed to bring bad luck.
  • al fresco - Implies the presence of some nearby structure (one does not hike al fresco).
  • pyrosis - Heartburn is actually pyrosis, caused by the presence of gastric secretions, called reflux, in the lower esophagus.
  • evince - To indicate, to reveal the presence of a quality or feeling.
Noun1.presence - the state of being present; current existence; "he tested for the presence of radon"being, beingness, existence - the state or fact of existing; "a point of view gradually coming into being"; "laws in existence for centuries"immanence, immanency - the state of being within or not going beyond a given domaininherence, inherency - the state of inhering; the state of being a fixed characteristic; "the inherence of polysemy in human language"ubiety - the state of existing and being localized in spaceomnipresence, ubiquitousness, ubiquity - the state of being everywhere at once (or seeming to be everywhere at once)hereness - the state of being here in this placethereness - the state of being there--not here--in positionthereness - real existence; "things are really there...capture the thereness of them"--Charles Hopkinsonoccurrence - an instance of something occurring; "a disease of frequent occurrence"; "the occurrence (or presence) of life on other planets"shadow - a dominating and pervasive presence; "he received little recognition working in the shadow of his father"absence - the state of being absent; "he was surprised by the absence of any explanation"
2.presence - the immediate proximity of someone or something; "she blushed in his presence"; "he sensed the presence of danger"; "he was well behaved in front of company"frontproximity - the region close around a person or thing
3.presence - an invisible spiritual being felt to be nearbydisembodied spirit, spirit - any incorporeal supernatural being that can become visible (or audible) to human beings
4.presence - the impression that something is present; "he felt the presence of an evil force"impression, notion, belief, feeling, opinion - a vague idea in which some confidence is placed; "his impression of her was favorable"; "what are your feelings about the crisis?"; "it strengthened my belief in his sincerity"; "I had a feeling that she was lying"
5.presence - dignified manner or conductpresence - dignified manner or conduct comportment, mien, bearingpersonal manner, manner - a way of acting or behavinggravitas, lordliness, dignity - formality in bearing and appearance; "he behaved with great dignity"
6.presence - the act of being presentattendance, attending - the act of being present (at a meeting or event etc.)absence - failure to be present


noun1. being, existence, company, residence, attendance, showing up, companionship, occupancy, habitation, inhabitance His presence in the village could only stir up trouble. the presence of a carcinogen in the water2. proximity, closeness, vicinity, nearness, neighbourhood, immediate circle, propinquity conscious of being in the presence of a great man3. personality, bearing, appearance, aspect, air, ease, carriage, aura, poise, demeanour, self-assurance, mien (literary), comportment Hendrix's stage presence appealed to thousands of teenage rebels.4. spirit, ghost, manifestation, spectre, apparition, shade (literary), wraith, supernatural being, revenant, eidolon The house was haunted by shadows and unseen presences.presence of mind level-headedness, assurance, composure, poise, cool (slang), wits, countenance, coolness, aplomb, alertness, calmness, equanimity, self-assurance, phlegm, quickness, sang-froid, self-possession, unflappability (informal), imperturbability, quick-wittedness, self-command, collectedness Someone had the presence of mind to call for an ambulance.


noun1. The condition or fact of being present:occurrence.2. Behavior through which one reveals one's personality:address, air, bearing, demeanor, manner, mien, style.Archaic: port.


(ˈprezns) noun1. the state, or fact, of being present. The committee requests your presence at Thursday's meeting. 出席,在場 出席,到场 2. a striking, impressive manner or appearance. The headmistress certainly has presence. 風采,風度 风采,风度 in the presence of while (someone) is present. This document must be signed in the presence of a witness; Don't talk about it in my mother's presence. 在...面前(眼前),在...出席(情況下) 在...面前(眼前),在...出席(情况下) presence of mind calmness and the ability to act sensibly (in an emergency etc). He showed great presence of mind in the face of danger. 鎮定 镇定




ghostly presence

An unspecified yet palpable and typically somewhat sinister presence, attendance, or existence. Though the country had finally reached a period of peace, the ghostly presence of its violent past hung heavily on the minds of the citizens. The characters never discuss the absent father directly, but this very avoidance gives him a ghostly presence throughout the novel.See also: presence

make (one's) presence felt

To do something or act in a way makes a group of people aware of one's role, contributions, etc., in a particular situation. As the youngest CEO in the company's history, Mark knew he had to make his presence felt by introducing a few major policy changes. The small but vocal group has already made their presence felt in the most recent presidential election.See also: felt, make, presence

in (one's) presence

With one present and watching or supervising. You'll need to fill this form out in a notary's presence.See also: presence

in the presence of (someone)

With someone present and watching or supervising. You'll need to fill this form out in the presence of a notary.See also: of, presence

presence of mind

A sensible, cool-headed mentality that allows one to remain calm and make quick, intelligent decisions. Before fleeing the house, Margaret had the presence of mind to turn off the circuit breaker so that the electrical fire wouldn't spread as quickly. The board of directors was very impressed with the presence of mind Tom displayed during the Baker trial.See also: mind, of, presence

grace (someone) with (one's) presence

To visit someone. Often used sarcastically or passive-aggressively, to suggest that one has condescended to make an appearance. Thanks so much for gracing us with your presence, Ed—you're only 45 minutes late.See also: grace, presence

have the presence of mind to (do something)

To have a sensible, cool-headed mentality that allows one to remain calm and make quick, intelligent decisions. Before fleeing the house, Margaret had the presence of mind to turn off the circuit breaker so that the electrical fire wouldn't spread as quickly.See also: have, mind, of, presence

grace someone or something with one's presence

Fig. to honor someone or something with one's presence. "How nice of you to grace us with your presence," Mr. Wilson told Mary sarcastically as she entered the classroom late. The banquet was graced with the presence of the governor.See also: grace, presence

have the presence of mind to do something

Fig. to have the calmness and ability to act sensibly in an emergency or difficult situation. Jane had the presence of mind to phone the police when the child disappeared. The child had the presence of mind to write down the car's license-plate number.See also: have, mind, of, presence

presence of mind

The ability to act sensibly, promptly, and appropriately, especially in a difficult situation or emergency. For example, Distraught about losing her wallet and passport, she had the presence of mind to notify the authorities at once . This idiom in effect says that one's mind is present and functioning. [Second half of 1600s] See also: mind, of, presence

make your presence felt

If someone or something makes their presence felt, they do something that makes you notice them or pay attention to them. I was here, there and everywhere all day, making my presence felt. First of all, establish what areas of your body are making their presence felt.See also: felt, make, presence

make your presence felt

have a strong and obvious effect on others or on a situation. 2004 Casino City Times Women are really now making their presence felt on the Internet. See also: felt, make, presence

presence of mind

the ability to remain calm and take quick, sensible action when faced with difficulty or danger.See also: mind, of, presence

in somebody’s ˈpresence


in the presence of somebody

with somebody in the same place: The document was signed in the presence of two witnesses.She asked them not to discuss the matter in her presence.See also: presence

make your ˈpresence felt

do something which makes people notice your importance, strength, abilities, etc: In the first half of the game the Turkish team really made their presence felt.The demonstrators made their presence felt by shouting and waving banners.See also: felt, make, presence

ˌpresence of ˈmind

the ability to react quickly and stay calm in a difficult or dangerous situation: A little girl from Leeds showed remarkable presence of mind yesterday when she saved her brothers from a fire in their home.The boy had the presence of mind to switch off the gas.See also: mind, of, presence



1. an invisible spirit felt to be nearby 2. Electronics a recording control that boosts mid-range frequencies 3. (of a recording) a quality that gives the impression that the listener is in the presence of the original source of the sound

presence (and absence)

  1. the immediate social relations of copresence, compared with other actual or potential relations at a distance (absence) - see SOCIAL AND SYSTEM INTEGRATION.
  2. (PHILOSOPHY, LINGUISTICS) the ‘here and now’, location of a ‘knowing subject’ assumed in traditional philosophy.
The method of DECONSTRUCTION employed by DERRIDA is an attack on what he terms the ‘metaphysics of presence’ in traditional philosophy (e.g. in HUSSERL) -the assumption that there is somewhere (e.g. a transcendental knowing subject) a site of immediate certainty. In Derrida's radicalized version of SAUSSURE's linguistics, signification and meaning, including the IDENTITY of the SELF, are always dependent on absence (see DIFFERENCE) and never complete.


[′prez·əns] (acoustics) The impression, as created by a recording or radio receiver, that the original program source is in the room.


In an instant messaging (IM) system, it is the status of a person's current availability (online, idle, offline, etc.). The status can be changed by the user or set automatically by the IM client after a certain amount of time without keyboard or mouse activity. "Unified communications" requires presence across all the applications and devices the user might communicate with, including email, instant messaging, office phone, smartphone and tablet. "Rich presence" implies conveying more information about the user's current status, including type of device being used and its operating environment, location and local time and any other messages the user might wish to announce. See unified communications, IMPP, XMPP and buddy list.



 [prez´ens] in the nursing interventions clasification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as being with another, both physically and psychologically, during times of need.

Patient discussion about presence

Q. What are the presenting signs of ALS? Are the upper or lower extremeties affected initialilly? A. The most common presenting sign of ALS is asymmetric limb weakness, usually starting with the hands (problems with pinching, writing, holding things etc.) shoulders (lifting arms above head etc.) or legs (problems walking).
Other presenting signs may be problems with speaking or swallowing, although these are less common.
You may read more here:

Q. Iam a bipolar and presently on tegretol medication.I found this to be the best way to get my doubt clarified. I am a bipolar and presently on tegretol medication. My doctor frequently changes the meds and he has tried variety of medicines before prescribing tegretol. He changes the meds every time when I visit him for routine check-up. I am bit confused and obviously cannot question my doctor as I repose faith and confidence in him. I found this to be the best way to get my doubt clarified.A. Are you being treated by your GP? I would suggest if you are having trouble finding the right combinations it might be a good time to ask to be referred to a Psychaitrist. GP's will do their best but like anything specialized they only have a certain amount of knowledge and a specialist in the field could be more help. I also think that other treatments along with The medications like theropy and group theropy, excercise, good diet, plenty of sleep etc helps a lot too... Try to be patient it is a process to get everything in place that will work the best for you... everyone is different and the .mmedications and treatments that work for one may not work for another...

More discussions about presence


PRESENCE. The existence of a person in a particular place.
2. In many contracts and judicial proceedings it is necessary that the parties should be present in order to reader them valid; for example, a party to a deed when it is executed by himself, must personally acknowledge it, when such acknowledgment is required by law, to give it its full force and effect, and his presence is indispensable, unless, indeed, another person represent him as his attorney, having authority from him for that purpose.
3. In the criminal law, presence is actual or constructive. When a larceny is committed in a house by two men, united in the same design, and one of them goes into the house, arid commits the crime, while the other is on the outside watching to prevent a surprise, the former is actually, an the latter constructively, present.
4. It is a rule in the civil law, that he who is incapable of giving his consent to an act, is not to be considered present, although he be actually in the place; a lunatic, or a man sleeping, would not therefore be considered present. Dig. 41, 2, 1, 3. And so, if insensible; 1 Dougl. 241; 4 Bro. P. R. 71; 3 Russ. 441; or if the act were done secretly so that he knew nothing of it. 1 P. Wms. 740.
5. The English statute of fraud, Sec. 5, directs that all devises and bequests of any lands or tenements shall be attested or subscribed in the presence of said devisor. Under this statute it has been decided that an actual presence is not indispensable, but that where there was a constructive presence it was sufficient; as, where the testatrix executed the will in her carriage standing in the street before the office of her solicitor, the witness retired into the office to attest it, and it being proved that the carriage was accidentally put back, so that she was in a situation to see the witness sign the will through the window of the office. Bro. Ch. C. 98; see 2 Curt. R. 320; 2 Salk. 688; 3 Russ. R. 441; 1 Maule & Selw. 294; 2 Car.& P. 491 2 Curt. R. 331. Vide Constructive.


  • all
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for presence

noun being


  • being
  • existence
  • company
  • residence
  • attendance
  • showing up
  • companionship
  • occupancy
  • habitation
  • inhabitance

noun proximity


  • proximity
  • closeness
  • vicinity
  • nearness
  • neighbourhood
  • immediate circle
  • propinquity

noun personality


  • personality
  • bearing
  • appearance
  • aspect
  • air
  • ease
  • carriage
  • aura
  • poise
  • demeanour
  • self-assurance
  • mien
  • comportment

noun spirit


  • spirit
  • ghost
  • manifestation
  • spectre
  • apparition
  • shade
  • wraith
  • supernatural being
  • revenant
  • eidolon

phrase presence of mind


  • level-headedness
  • assurance
  • composure
  • poise
  • cool
  • wits
  • countenance
  • coolness
  • aplomb
  • alertness
  • calmness
  • equanimity
  • self-assurance
  • phlegm
  • quickness
  • sang-froid
  • self-possession
  • unflappability
  • imperturbability
  • quick-wittedness
  • self-command
  • collectedness

Synonyms for presence

noun the condition or fact of being present


  • occurrence

noun behavior through which one reveals one's personality


  • address
  • air
  • bearing
  • demeanor
  • manner
  • mien
  • style
  • port

Synonyms for presence

noun the state of being present

Related Words

  • being
  • beingness
  • existence
  • immanence
  • immanency
  • inherence
  • inherency
  • ubiety
  • omnipresence
  • ubiquitousness
  • ubiquity
  • hereness
  • thereness
  • occurrence
  • shadow


  • absence

noun the immediate proximity of someone or something


  • front

Related Words

  • proximity

noun an invisible spiritual being felt to be nearby

Related Words

  • disembodied spirit
  • spirit

noun the impression that something is present

Related Words

  • impression
  • notion
  • belief
  • feeling
  • opinion

noun dignified manner or conduct


  • comportment
  • mien
  • bearing

Related Words

  • personal manner
  • manner
  • gravitas
  • lordliness
  • dignity

noun the act of being present

Related Words

  • attendance
  • attending


  • absence




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