present company excepted

present company excepted

Without regards to the person or people in one's immediate vicinity. Everyone in this school is a self-centered, spoiled little brat. Present company excepted, of course. Present company excepted, there isn't a single person in this building who has the skills it takes to run the business.See also: company, except, present

present company excepted

People say present company excepted when they say something about other people, to show that they are not referring to the people or person they are with. Men are hopeless at expressing their feelings, present company excepted, of course. Note: This expression is usually used when people are saying something critical or unpleasant about other people. See also: company, except, present

present company excepted

excluding those who are here now.See also: company, except, present

present company exˈcepted

(also excepting present ˈcompany) used as a polite remark to show that the criticisms you are making are not directed at the people you are talking to: My feeling is that the people around here, present company excepted of course, are rather unfriendly.See also: company, except, present