Théâtre National Populaire TNP

Théâtre National Populaire (TNP)


a French dramatic theater in Paris that continued the traditions of the theater founded in 1920 by the actor and director F. Gémier.

Under the guidance of the director J. Vilar, the TNP became a center of struggle for a democratic theatrical art, intellectually enriching the spectator by acquainting him with the treasures of national and world drama, such as Corneille’s The Cid (1949), Kleist’s The Prince of Homburg (1952), Molière’s Don Juan (1953), and Shakespeare’s Macbeth (1956). Many productions by the TNP were imbued with social, political, and civic ideas; they combined philosophical reflections with social commentary and a heroic spirit with scathing criticism, for example, Jarry’s Ubu Roi (1958); Brecht’s Mother Courage (1951), The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui (1960), and The Life of Galileo (1963); and Peace, based on Aristophanes (1961).

The new approach of the theater caused dissatisfaction among the ruling circles. In 1963, Vilar resigned his post as director of the TNP and was replaced by the actor and director G. Wilson. The repertoire then included works that were alien to the spirit of the former TNP (for example, Bond’s Early Morning and Saved, 1972). During the 1970–71 season the theater suspended operations because of low attendance, and in 1972 it closed down. During the 1950’s the TNP troupe included such outstanding actors as G. Philipe, M. Casarés, and D. Sorano. In 1956 and again in 1961, the theater’s company toured the USSR.


Boiadzhiev, G. Teatral’nyi Parizh segodnia. [Moscow] 1960.
Zingerman, B. Zhan Vilar i drugie. Moscow, 1964.
Iakimovich, T. K. Dramaturgiia i teatr sovremennoi Frantsii. [Kiev, 1968.]