Totem Bight State Historical Park
Totem Bight State Historical Park
Location:North of Ketchikan, at milepost 10 on North Tongass Road.
Facilities:Historical features, trails, toilets, drinking water (é).
Special Features:In the 1930s the US Forest Service hired skilled carvers among NativeAmericans to salvage and reconstruct the native totem poles that hadbeen left to rot when Natives moved to non-Native settlements to find work. The fragments of old poles were laid besidefreshly-cut cedar logs, and every attempt was made to copy themtraditionally. By the end of World War II, 14 totem poles and aclanhouse, or community house, were in place and are now preserved atthe Totem Bight site.
Address:c/o Southeast Area Office
400 Willoughby Ave, 4th Fl
Juneau, AK 99801
Size: 33 acres.
See other parks in Alaska.