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DictionarySeehyperemiaEncyclopediaSeeHyperemiareactive hyperemia
hyperemia [hi″per-e´me-ah] an excess of blood in a part; called also engorgement. adj., adj hypere´mic.active hyperemia (arterial hyperemia) that due to local or general relaxation of arterioles.leptomeningeal hyperemia congestion of the pia-arachnoid.passive hyperemia that due to obstruction of flow of blood from the area.reactive hyperemia that due to increase in blood flow after its temporary interruption.venous hyperemia passive hyperemia.re·ac·tive hy·per·e·mi·ahyperemia following the arrest and subsequent restoration of the blood supply to a part.re·ac·tive hy·per·e·mi·a (rē-ak'tiv hī'pĕr-ē'mē-ă) Excess blood following the arrest and subsequent restoration of the blood supply to a part. |