reactive hypoglycemia

reactive hypoglycemia

 Plasma glucose measuring < 2.8 mmol/L–US: < 50 mg/dl with Sx of adrenergic neural activation–eg, weakness, palpitations, tremor, sweating and hunger, occurring after a meal or after oral glucose loading, caused by compensatory insulin hypersecretion

re·ac·tive hy·po·gly·ce·mi·a

(rē-ak'tiv hī'pō-glī-sē'mē-ă) After eating a carbohydrate meal, the affected subject overreacts and produces too much insulin in response to the food so that the glucose level decreases rapidly.

re·ac·tive hy·po·gly·ce·mi·a

(rē-ak'tiv hī'pō-glī-sē'mē-ă) After eating a high carbohydrate meal, the affected subject overreacts and produces too much insulin in response to the food so that the glucose level decreases rapidly.