Acronym | Definition |
RSA➣Republic of South Africa |
RSA➣Rivest, Shamir, & Adleman (public key encryption technology) |
RSA➣Rehabilitation Services Administration |
RSA➣Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co. (California) |
RSA➣Revenu de Solidarité Active (French social welfare system) |
RSA➣Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce |
RSA➣Retail Sales Associate |
RSA➣Renaissance Society of America |
RSA➣Retirement Systems of Alabama |
RSA➣Royal & Sun Alliance |
RSA➣Retirement Savings Account |
RSA➣Royal Scottish Academy (Edinburgh) |
RSA➣Royal School of Artillery (UK) |
RSA➣Rational Software Architect |
RSA➣Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia |
RSA➣Route Sales Associate |
RSA➣Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty (surgery) |
RSA➣Regional Study Area |
RSA➣Regional Studies Association (UK) |
RSA➣Residenze Sanitarie Assistenziali (Italian: Social Care Residences) |
RSA➣Research Society on Alcoholism |
RSA➣Road Safety Association (various locations) |
RSA➣Refrigeration System Analyzer (measurement equipment; various companies) |
RSA➣Rivest Shamir Adleman Encryption |
RSA➣Reset System Activity |
RSA➣Reference System Architecture |
RSA➣Rural Serving Area |
RSA➣Remote Sensing Architecture |
RSA➣Remote Supervisor Adapter |
RSA➣Road Safety Audit |
RSA➣Rabbinical Seminary of America (Flushing, NY) |
RSA➣Revised Statutes Annotated (laws of the state of NH) |
RSA➣Rural Service Area |
RSA➣Resident Student Association |
RSA➣Redding School of the Arts (Redding, CA) |
RSA➣Runway Safety Area |
RSA➣Risk Self Assessment (finance) |
RSA➣Russian Space Agency |
RSA➣Redstone Arsenal |
RSA➣Rhetoric Society of America |
RSA➣Revised Shapley-Ames (astronomy catalog) |
RSA➣Returned Services Association (New Zealand; established 1916) |
RSA➣Regional State Administration Building (Ukraine) |
RSA➣Republiek van Suid-Afrika (Republic of South Africa) |
RSA➣Responsible Serving of Alcohol |
RSA➣Rent Stabilization Association (New York City, NY) |
RSA➣Rear Seat Audio (General Motors) |
RSA➣Recreational Sea Angling (fishing; UK) |
RSA➣Radiostereometric Analysis (x-ray technique) |
RSA➣Royal Society of the Arts |
RSA➣Registration Services Agreement (American Registry for Internet Numbers) |
RSA➣Radioactive Substances Act |
RSA➣Rating Surveyors' Association (est. 1909) |
RSA➣Routine System Administration |
RSA➣Regulatory Services Agreement |
RSA➣Road-Side Assistance |
RSA➣Random Sequential Adsorption |
RSA➣Research Subject Advocacy (various schools) |
RSA➣Revenue Sharing Agreement |
RSA➣Radio Spazio Aperto (Italian: Radio Open Space) |
RSA➣Revised Statutes of Alberta (Canada) |
RSA➣Retrograde Storage Area (US DoD) |
RSA➣Royal Signals Association (UK) |
RSA➣Randolph-Sheppard Act of 1936 |
RSA➣Response Spectrum Analysis |
RSA➣Robotics Society of America |
RSA➣Resnicow Schroeder Associates (New York, NY) |
RSA➣Remote Secure Access |
RSA➣Rhythmic Slow Activity |
RSA➣Rett Syndrome Association |
RSA➣Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina (Airport Code) |
RSA➣Reusable Software Assets |
RSA➣Riverside Sheriff's Association |
RSA➣Randon Structures and Algorithms (journal) |
RSA➣Railway Supply Association |
RSA➣Rural Statistical Area |
RSA➣Repair Service Answering (module) |
RSA➣ROPME Sea Area (Arabian/Persian Gulf) |
RSA➣Robert Shields & Associates (Texas) |
RSA➣Receptive Services Association |
RSA➣Rate Sensor Assembly |
RSA➣Random Sequential Addition |
RSA➣Repair Service Attendant |
RSA➣Related Scientific Activity (Canada) |
RSA➣Research Scientists Association (Ghana) |
RSA➣Range Standardization & Automation |
RSA➣Regional Support Activity |
RSA➣Regimental Support Area |
RSA➣Remote Storage Area |
RSA➣Relative Standardabweichung |
RSA➣Resource Staging Area (emergency management) |
RSA➣Rolled Steel Angle (Steel Construction Industry) |
RSA➣Right Shift Algorithm |
RSA➣Radio Set Adapter (CSEL) |
RSA➣Red Squad Alliance (gaming clan) |
RSA➣Radar Signature Analysis |
RSA➣Route Schedule Adherence (telematics) |
RSA➣Block-Repeat Start Address Register |
RSA➣Real Sector Access |
RSA➣Resource Support Associates, Inc. (consultants) |
RSA➣Reformed Saiyajin Army (RPG gaming community) |
RSA➣Roller Sports Australia Inc. |
RSA➣Remote Storage Activities |
RSA➣Receiver Splitter Amplifier (splits one antenna into multiple receivers in radio systems) |
RSA➣Rapid Simulation Aids |
RSA➣Red Sun Army (gaming clan) |
RSA➣Red Star Army (band) |
RSA➣Rear Support Area |
RSA➣Radio Spectrum Agency (UK) |
RSA➣Remote Site Assessment |
RSA➣Range Scaling Algorithm |
RSA➣Radial Slot Antenna |
RSA➣Replication System Administrator |
RSA➣Registry Service Agreement |
RSA➣Route Setting Agent (UK railways) |
RSA➣Research Planning and Assessment |
RSA➣Remote Signal Activation |
RSA➣Repairable Sub Assembly |
RSA➣Random Sound Archive (website) |
RSA➣Reconfigurable Slot Antenna |
RSA➣Reflex Sympathetic Atrophy |
RSA➣Rotationally Symmetric Antenna |
RSA➣Road Side Accident |
RSA➣Restricted Service Account (structured query language mail) |
RSA➣Reacquisition Search Area (US Navy) |