

单词 pba



Patrolmen's Benevolent Association.



PBAProfessional Bowlers Association
PBAPhilippine Basketball Association
PBAPalm Beach Atlantic University (West Palm Beach, Florida)
PBAPartial-Birth Abortion
PBAPembina Pipeline (New York Stock Exchange symbol)
PBAPublic Broadcasting Atlanta (Georgia, USA)
PBAPennsylvania Bar Association
PBAPre-Boot Authentication (computer security)
PBAProvincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
PBAPhone Book Access
PBAPre-Crash Brake Assist
PBAPerformance Benchmark Application
PBAPhone Book Administrator
PBAPower Basic
PBAPrevent Blindness America (since 1908)
PBAProgram in Business Administration (various schools)
PBAPersonal Bank Account
PBAProgram-Based Approach (various organizations)
PBAPortland Business Alliance
PBAPseudobulbar Affect (neurologic disorder)
PBAPresident of the British Academy
PBAPerformance Based Acquisition
PBAPrinted Board Assembly
PBAPersonal Business Advisors (San Antonio, TX)
PBAPerfect Boundary Approximation
PBAPine Bluff Arsenal
PBAPrinciple-Based Approach (accounting)
PBAPlant Breeding Academy (University of California, Davis)
PBAPlanning and Building Act (various nations)
PBAPerformance Based Assessment
PBAPeter Brett Associates (UK)
PBAPlease Be Advised
PBAPatrolman's Benevolent Association
PBAParallels Business Automation (software)
PBAPerformance Based Agreement
PBAPickering Baseball Association (Ontario, Canada)
PBAPoly-Butyl Acrylate
PBAPaintball Action (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
PBAPredictive Battlespace Awareness
PBAPharmacy Benefit Administrator (various companies)
PBAPacific Broadcasting Association (ministry; Japan)
PBAPolice Benevolence Association
PBAProfessional Bad-Ass
PBAProgressive Bag Alliance
PBAPattern of Business Activity (business statistic)
PBAPerspective Based Architecture (software)
PBAPremium Bottled Ale
PBAParalysis By Analysis
PBAPrice-Based Acquisition
PBAPressure Balance Anchor (pipe recovery tool)
PBAPortable Breathing Apparatus
PBAPseudo-Brewster Angle (optics)
PBAPeter Basso Associates (Troy, MI engineering firm)
PBAPervasive Backup Agent (software)
PBAPoint Barrow Airport (Alaska)
PBAPyrenebutyric Acid
PBAPotomac Bonsai Association (association of Bonsai Clubs in VA, MD, PA,& DC)
PBAPropulsion Business Area (at the former Kelly AFB, TX)
PBAPreliminary Benefit Analysis (EPA)
PBAPaid By Agent (shipping)
PBAPyrrhura Breeders Association
PBAProduction Base Analysis
PBAPressure Breathing for Altitude
PBAProsecutors Bar Association
PBAPer-Band Access (Nortel)
PBAPerfect Binary Array
PBAPencil Beam Antenna
PBAPattern-Based Approach (software architecture)
PBAPoultry Breeders Association
PBAProduct Brand Architecture
PBAPressurized Berthing Adapter
PBApush button annunciator
PBAProcess Balance Area
PBAPort Based Authentication
PBAPrinted Circuit Board Assembled (PCB with parts soldered)
PBAPhosphor Bronze Armour
PBAPhysical Base Address (computer memory)
PBAPolar Bear Association
PBAProgram and Budget Analysis
PBAPlain Balloon Angioplasty
PBAPembrokeshire Baptist Association (Wales, UK)
PBAPiedmont Beekeepers Association (Huddleton, VA)
PBAPotential Bad Actor
PBAPost Blast Analysis
PBAPattern-Based Approach
PBAParsons Brinckerhoff Africa (Pty) Ltd. (engineering firm)
PBAPulitzer/Bogard & Associates, LLC (Lido Beach, NY criminal justice consulting)




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